#1: Hibernation
I think that bears have the right idea! Think about it. Bears spend the entire Fall eating and getting fat...and it's a good thing! Then, they sleep through all the nasty snow and ice. To top it off, they come out in the Spring nice and thin! Sounds like a good plan to me right now! (Second only to migration....I want to be a snow bird!)
Okay...enough whining about snow, ice and cold!(at least for today;)
#2: Birthdays!
Last Saturday, Mike and Andrew had a birthday! They are now officially 22 and 20! Now I have TWO young adults! I'm still not sure how the heck that happened! Because of the snow last weekend, we couldn't actually celebrate it. They are supposed to come home next weekend for a family party to celebrate Mike, Andrew and Jon's birthdays, (Jon's is the 24th). Hopefully, the weather will cooperate and everyone will stay healthy!:)
#3: Be My Valentine
Luke melted my heart on Wednesday night! He was getting ready for bed and said, "Mommy, it's almost Valentine's Day! I want to make you a card! Can you help me? I will draw a heart and I want you to help me write "Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy! I love you soooo much!"
How sweet is that?!?
It made me so happy when Luke said that. Later on that night, after everyone was sleeping and I had a few minutes of silence before I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help feeling a little pensive. Right now, I'm the center of Luke's world...but that certainly won't last forever! It wasn't so long ago I was the center of my oldest boys' life.....and I can guarantee that I won't get a passing thought on Valentine's Day from any of them unless they're asking for my opinion on a gift for their own Valentine!
I'm not saying "My kids can't grow up and I always want to be the center of their world"...that's just not healthy.(Anyone see the Goldberg's? I don't want to be that mom!;) I appreciate the role I have in Luke's life right now so much more because I understand just how how fast the years go by! I have to say that it makes letting go of the older boys just a little bit easier! By the time Luke grows up and doesn't want me anymore, I should have lots of grandbabies to love! (See, having a big family with kids far apart does have its benefits!)
#4: Be My Valentine(cont.)
There is someone who wants to be my Valentine besides Luke! Jay and I don't do anything big for each other. I usually make him a special dinner and dessert....he usually gets me flowers. Well, this year, Jay decided to mix it up. He wanted to to a few thoughtful little things in lieu of the grossly overpriced rose bouquet he usually gets...plus a single carnation for each of the girls! He's such a great dad!
So, Valentine's Day started last night at our house! Jay came home with a chocolate heart from a local specialty chocolate store(one for me and the girls), and a individual pack to tissues. That's an inside joke...I always feel like an incompetent mom because I never seem to have tissues in my pocket when the kids need them at church. That's the secret to being a successful parent right!?!
kids + individual pack of neat folded tissues=competent mom
#5: Vacation....
...but not for me! The kids have school vacation this week! With all the snow days, they haven't had a full week of school since early January! I feel like "bad mom" because I have nothing planned!(good thing I have those tissues to boost my confidence!;)
It's always a challenge trying to come up with something that all the age groups like to do..and find an activity Peter can handle! I want the older kids to have fun and we have been totally lacking with doing things with the little kids! We did so much more with the older kids when they were little! Now, the older kids tend to dictate the schedule and the little kids are missing out! This is the hard part of having kids at such different ages! (Wanting to hibernate isn't helping to motivate me to go out and do things....neither is my fear of someone picking up an illness!)
I will have a little tete-a-tete with the girls to brainstorm and find out if there is anything special(and cheap) they would like to do...and I need to figure out a little something for the littles! The joys of motherhood!
#6: Lent
Halfway through school vacation is Ash Wednesday and the official start of Lent! Some parents probably feel that school vacation week is an optimum time for Lent to start since everyone home together often gives us lots of extra opportunities to offer things up!:)
and, last but not least....
#7: Getting My "Jam" On
The biggest reason that I have had less time to blog recently is because I have become an Independent Consultant with Jamberry Nails. Ever heard of them? If you haven't, Jamberry nails are vinyl, heat activated nail wraps that come in tons of fun colors and styles! My friend, Laura, introduced me to them and Sarah and I were having so much fun with them that I decided to become an Independent Consultant! I had been praying for a way to help with our family finances, and this seemed like the answer. As a huge benefit, doing our "Jams" has been some special mom and daughter time for me and Sarah. (Ellie can't have anything on her nails at school, but she will be joining in our "Jam Session" now that vacation week is here!)
Here's a pic of Sarah's nails with 'Love Spell' Jams!
It's been very exciting....and also stressful....trying to learn all about Jamberry and being stretched (way) out of my comfort zone! I don't want people to see me coming and want to run the other way...
To that extent, I promise that my blog will not become a sales website! Because it's a part of my life right now, I might occasionally share about Jamberry, but my kiddos and husband are still the most important part...and that's what this blog is about!:)
Here's my 2 second spiel...If you haven't heard of Jamberry and are looking for a fun and affordable way to have beautiful nails, (a $15 sheet gives you 2 manicures and 2 pedicures!), check out my website at www.Hamel.Jamberrynails.com. If you want to try a free sample, book a fun online party, (I do all the work and you get free and half price nails), or have any questions, comment below or email me at Michellehameljams@yahoo.com or message me at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michelle-Hamel-Independent-Jamberry-Nails-Consultant/863432490385329?ref=aymt_homepage_panel!
Thanks for listening! This is certainly a brand new adventure for me! I hope you all have a great weekend!:)