#1: Involuntary Penances
Those involuntary penances just keep on rolling! Over last weekend I had symptoms of a UTI, went to the doctor's, got antibiotics, then a call later in the week that it wasn't a UTI and probably something called cytosis.(which, from what I understand thanks to Google, mimics a UTI but is not caused by bacteria and there are a host of reasons why it can happen.) I have a follow-up on Wednesday...sigh. #Lent
I got the van stuck in the middle of our street this week just backing out of the driveway! The back wheels were just spinning. A fed-ex truck ended up behind me and the man was kind enough to help me shovel out from around the tires and help me put down some sand! I was very grateful!
Yesterday, I got a phone call at 3am from my grandfather because he was feeling really shaky and dizzy and Felt that he had to go to the hospital. My parents are out of town, so I got to his house before the ambulance came and spent the morning with him in the ER. They ran all kinds of tests and everything came out normal. He was feeling better, so they sent him home around 10:30. Once I got him settled, I ran to the grocery store then headed home and crashed! I was very grateful that my sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and father-in-law helped Jay get the kids to school and watched Kate so he could go to work AND picked up Luke from school and watched the littles until after 3 so that I could take a much needed nap! I was also grateful that my sister came to the hospital to hang out with me!
I'm hoping for a little less excitement this weekend!
#2: What Brothers Are For
Kate: Come on Jon. You are my brodder....you have to dance with me!
...and Jon obliged because who can turn down such a cute partner!
#3: The Obsession Continues!
Most of the day, Luke can be found creating Star Wars ships and humming the Star Wars Theme Song. (Like right at this moment...I can hear it from the other room!) He loves all things Star Wars!
#4: #toomuchstarwars!
The other day, Luke and Kate were having a Lightsaber battle...which they call "Lightsavers".:)
Kate: You killed my fadda!
Luke: I am your father!
(I told you he was obsessed...and he drags his little sister in, too!:)
#5: 100th Day of School
Thursday was the pre-schooler's 100th day of school! They celebrated with a pizza party and made these cute hats! They also did a poster board project which I forgot to take a picture of! I am not a good project person...and forgot about it until the last minute!(bad parent award!) Luke was talking about some of the other kids' projects whose parents had passed them in early(......). In particular, there was a drawn fishbowl with 100 glued goldfish crackers inside. But no pressure! I had Ellie search the art cabinet for stickers...because, I swear, everything I glue falls off!....and all she came up with were Anna and Elsa stickers and Easter stickers! So...Easter stickers it was! I had Sarah draw a basket and Jon helped Luke count out the stickers in groups of 10 and glue them on. (See...having a large family has its benefits!:)
#6: He Said
We were watching The Middle on Wednesday night. There was a scene where a smooch occurred.
Luke: Can we skip this? I don't like the "woman parts".
(Jay and Jon thought that was just hysterical!)
#7: Missing Men
Our parish is holding a Men's Retreat Day today so most of my friends and I are flying solo. I hope it's a meaningful day for all of them....and that they come back refreshed and ready to take over so us women can run away for a couple of hours and eat chocolate and some yummy appetizers! (I think it's a fair trade off!)
Happy Weekend!