
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wow, What a Week!

Wow, what a week!  Back to school is a two part series for me with more to come next week!
Here's my 7 Quick Takes from 'Episode I'!

1.  Luke the Philosopher
Lately, Luke has been a little philosopher!  He asks me lots of questions!  Here are some of my favorites....
Luke:  "Who made me?"
Me:  "God"
Luke:  "Why?"
Me:  "Because He loves you."
Luke:  "Oh."

Luke: "Why are you here?"
Me: "To love you and take care of you."
Luke:  "Why do you want me to be safe and not get hurt?"
Me: "Because I love and you're my little boy."
Luke: "Oh."

Luke must say "why" at least 30 times a day!  Love it:)..usually!(at least the first 25 times;)

2.  Engaged!!!

We got super happy news this week!  My sister-in-law, Julie, is engaged!  Her fiancee, Tom, is such a great guy!  I am sooooo excited for them!:)  Julie asked Jay and I to be in the wedding, along with Sarah and Ellie as junior bridesmaids...which makes it even more special!
The Happy Couple!

3.  Preschool Meeting
We had a meeting at Luke's school Wednesday night.  Luke got to go up to his classroom and try out his seat.  Then he got to play on the playground and get a treat from the ice cream truck that the school had hired as a special surprise for the kids:)
He looks like such a big boy!

4. Sports Night
Last night, Jon and Jay went to Fenway Park to see the Red Sox game.  Andrew went to the Patriot's pre-season game in Foxboro with some friends tonight, too.  All sports all the time!  Mike and I sat in the living room switching back and forth between the games:)

Andrew refused to send me a picture!  But, Jay and Jon look like they are having fun!
Father-Son Time at Fenway:)

5.  Surviving the First Wave

This was a busy week with  EllieSarah, and Jon starting their new school year.  It was definitely toughest on Sarah, starting at a new school and getting used to having a whole bunch of new teachers.  I know she will do great once she gets used to the new routines!  Definitely not easy, though.

The second wave starts Monday when we move Mike into Assumption.  It feels surreal...but more on that next week!

6.  The Surprise on My Shelf
This week has definitely had it's challenges with making sure the kids going to school had what they needed, helping to rectify problems with the two college students, watching Peter who is home until next Wednesday still(!), and taking care of the little kids.  Too many needs and not enough me to go around!  By the end of the week, I can definitely feel burnout licking at my heels.

That's when I noticed the envelope on my bookshelf with the beautiful card and gift certificates sent to me by my fairy godmother 2 weeks ago!  It was nice for the reminder that I have some special 'me time' coming...and I plan to make it soon!  As soon as everyone is settled in school...and Kate will get some special 'Grandma time'!:)

7.  A Little Change

My escape from my daily chaos the last couple weeks is to watch HGTV whenever I can wrestle the remote away from the children!(which isn't all that often!:)  Jay always groans when I watch HGTV because, inevitably, it inspires me to want to "do things" to the house....which lengthens his (already unmanageable) to-do list!  

Anyway...We have an open floor plan and I like the whole idea of neutral walls(our color is coffee) with a pop of color of different shades in each of the rooms to tie it all together.  The color I'm drawn to right now is a shade of green...which should make Jay happy since green is his favorite color.

Something like this....
Loloi Piper Diamond Green PI-01 Rug 

Just a thought...I tend to change my mind a

I hope you have a fabulous log weekend!

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