
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Last First Day!

Today was the grand finale of over a week of first days of school for our family!  Luke started pre-school today.  It felt a little anticlimactic after all of the craziness of last week's first days, including moving Andrew and Mike into college over the weekend.(more on that later in the week)

After all, Luke's only a mile down the road for 3 hours every weekday morning!  After having kids move out for the whole semester, it feels like small potatoes!

Luke had mixed emotions about going back to school.  One minute he would be really excited and want to to "go to pre school right now!".....and other times he would say he wanted to just stay home because he would miss me.  Aww...

(So glad I'm writing this down so that when he's a teenager and wants nothing to do with me I can remember it wasn't always that way!)

For now...he's still my little boy!

Here he is all ready for school with a nice haircut courtesy of Pa!

Kate wanted in on the action!

Kate loving her brother:)

Luke with my nephew Brayden...they are in the same class this year:)
 ...Of course, they can be quite the handful together!  This picture probably catches their personalities a little better!  Silly, mischievous smiles and darting eyes!

Giving each other a high 5...
of course, Luke got in trouble for talking to Brayden within 5 minutes of being in the classroom!
I'm happy to report that, at pick up time, they both got good reports from the teacher.  (They aren't sitting at the same table together in the class, which is a good thing!)

In other exciting news...
My mom had knee replacement surgery this morning.  Everything went well, thank you, God!  She will now begin the road to recovery and therapy to get that knee ready to run!  Well...walk.  My sister is the only runner in my family!

Thanks to everyone for the prayers!

Welcome to September!
(Although outside it feels like the middle of a July heat wave and all the kids are baking in their classrooms!)  Well, at least it will give us one last hurrah for the pool before we close it up until next summer!
Wow that went by fast!

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