
Friday, August 29, 2014

A Week of Firsts

Quick Take Friday....I apologize in advance if it sounds a little whiny!  I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now!

1. New Beginnings
This week, Ellie started middle school on Monday, Peter on Tuesday and Sarah on Wednesday.  Sarah made the J.V. volleyball team so she has practice every day and I've been working out a car pool with a couple of other moms.  It's been overwhelming getting these three started and making sure the kids starting next week have everything they need!

2. Moving Away
The next child up is Andrew.  Saturday am we will be making the drive to deliver him to Assumption.  I think he has everything he needs.  (Special thanks to my mom and dad for helping with Andrew and Mike's school supplies and Sarah's books!)  

Andrew is looking forward to school.  I'm nervous for him...but I'm sure he will settle in and do great.  I'm sad for more baby bird spreading their wings in the process of leaving the nest.  It's a very bittersweet feeling watching them grow and step out into new adventures while stepping out of the home we have spent years trying to nurture them in! 

Change is hard....but it's all good. 

(That will be my mantra as I cry on the way home from Assumption tomorrow!) 

3.  More Moving Away
On Monday, I will be helping Mike move into Assumption.  Jay and I were both supposed to do it until his boss reminded him yesterday that Monday is his holiday to work.  Grr!   August was a rough month with way too much planned on the weekends for Jay and the older kids and not much summer fun for me and the littles left behind.  Last weekend, Jay had to work, too.:( So, even though we are making 2 trips to Worcester, I was really looking forward to a long weekend.  Sigh.....

I think it will be less emotional to move Mike in since I've already done it last year.  He's in apartment style living this year, which he is looking forward to.  I should be able to say a quick hello at least to Andrew, too.  Then, they will be on their own until family weekend at the end of September when we plan on visiting them.

4.  Also On Monday....
Jon has freshman orientation on Monday and Tuesday.  He is excited to start his new adventure!  I'm glad he will be close to home, even though he will be busy and not around much!

5.  Another First Day
Luke starts pre-school on Tuesday morning.  Just this week he has finally started to get a little excited for school.  That's a positive!  He's still going to do half days.  I'm hoping this extra year in pre-school, which we decided he needed since he is a very young 5 and only makes the cut off by a couple of weeks, will give him the time he needs to mature a little more and better able to handle the work load next year in kindergarten!

6.  Surgery
On Tuesday, my mom is having knee replacement surgery.  This is adding a little extra chaos to the already chaotic two weeks of new school year and sports schedules!  If you could say a prayer that the surgery goes well and the recovery is as quick and as painless as possible I would appreciate it!

7.  He Said
Andrew:  Someday, If I'm excessively rich, I'm going to buy a herd of goats.  All of them will be fainting goats except for one screaming goat.  This way, the screaming goat will startle the fainting goats and they will all fall down!
Jon and Sarah: know that's 'going on the blog'.
Andrew: Put it on the blog...I don't care.:)

....and so I did!
Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!:)

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