
Friday, September 12, 2014

Hooray, It's the Weekend!

I am so excited to arrive at the weekend!  I am soooo looking forward to some down time!

Here's the weekly wrap's been a crazy one!

1.  Me Time
I have been trying to make exercise a more regular part of my life!  I'm also using the Livestrong app to keep an eye on my calorie intake.  I did well for two weeks then backslid a little last week.  This week I was re-determined with my goal to lose some weight before my sil's wedding in six weeks.  I made up all the ground this week that I lost last week so I'm heading in the right direction!

2.  Teeth
Luke is completely fine after his adventures at the oral surgeon on Tuesday!  No more pain!  He was very excited that the tooth fairy visited our house...and I was very excited that it didn't take a week for the tooth fairy to remember to visit our house!

3.  Summer's Last Hurrah
After last week's hot and steamy weather that had the kids feeling like they were being cooked in their classrooms(!), this week brought some beautiful, comfortable sunshine!  Even though it was freezing, Luke still wanted to go in the pool!  (And, of course, whatever Luke wants to do Kate wants to do!) 

I think we will be closing it up this weekend.....  

To our pool:  Thanks for the summer of 2014 memories!  

4.  New Fridge!
Our new fridge, dubbed "the water fridge" by Kate and Luke, arrived yesterday!  It is really big...the delivery guys had to remove our front door and the doors of the fridge to get it in!  I fit all of our fridge items it it with two half shelves to spare!  The real test will be on grocery shopping day!  Hopefully, I will no longer dread trying to figure out how to stuff all our groceries in the fridge!  Ahh...freedom!  (Hey, when you're a SAHM, it's the little things that count!)

Look at all that extra room!
5.  Minor Remodel
With the addition of our new fridge comes some design issues that Jay and I need to conquer.  We need to figure out what type of cabinets will look best around the fridge so it looks like it is part of the kitchen...not just a giant fridge on the wall!  Our former fridge was built into a wall, so Jay is going to turn the empty space into a pantry closet for some much needed space!(Yay!)

 We also need to figure out how we want to extend the island so that the kitchen will feel like one big space...(a garbage cabinet is part of that design!  I.can't.wait!)...but that means we will also need new counter tops.  That will have to wait for tax return season.(Hopefully!)  The lighting will also need to be changed and the plan is also to add a couple of windows for some much needed nature light. Whew....lots on the to do list.  It's going to be a slightly dragged out process.....but hopefully not too long!(famous last words, right!?!)  

6.  Independent Sleeping...Maybe?
So, if you've been around my blog you know that my kiddos are not the best sleepers!(huge understatement!)  Well, lately we have started a bedtime routine with Luke to get him more independent.  After potty and teeth brushing, one of us reads him a book in his "bed"(a mattress on the floor next to our bed), and then he falls asleep by himself in the room.  Luke has done a great job with this...never coming out to wheedle more time!  He had still been waking up around 11...not really awake but crying and disoriented.  Whenever I tried to help him settle, he would just cry off and on in that half awake state for an hour until I just gave up and brought him into my bed.(I'm just desperate for sleep---any sleep---and for him not to wake up the whole house!)

Well....the last two nights he hasn't done the 'half awake fuss' until after midnight and both times I gave him water and he went right back to sleep in his 'bed'.  The first night he slept until 5 and then crawled up into bed with me and went back to sleep until 6:30.  Last night he only lasted in his bed until 3...but that's still progress!  Here's to hoping a "normal" sleep pattern is on the horizon!

7.  Figuring It Out(I Hope)
In case you missed it, last weekend I wrote an emotional post about working through the complex emotions of kids growing up and changing called The Art of Letting Go.  With three young men on the verge of adulthood and close to living independently, it's not always easy figuring out the new ways we relate....(or to let go of the old ways!)  I'm grateful to still have my little ones that are always ready to least for now!  Of course, by the time Luke and Kate aren't interested in spending time cuddling with me, I bet I will have grandbabies to snuggle!

Have a great weekend!

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