
Monday, September 15, 2014

Football Sunday Fun!

Feeling very Fall-like today!  There is certainly that crispness in the air...and I have to say I love it!(My apologies to my summer loving friends!)

One of the things I really like about Fall is 'football Sundays'.  We always try to make Patriots games a special family time.  Last weekend was my sil's bridal shower, so Jay just got some takeout wings with Jon.  This weekend, we were back to our regular fall routine.

We had some favorites on the menu....coconut chicken bites, chili, piggies in a blanket, and brownie sundaes for dessert!  The food did not disappoint!  (and neither did the Pats in their win over the Vikings!:)

A huge bonus to the weekend was that Andrew came home for a visit.  His real motivation to come back was to get a book that had gotten mailed here, but it was great to have him home!  The Pat's game even inspired some football play.  (Andrew played with Ellie, too, but I didn't have my camera outside then....)

Monday still showed up right on schedule....I got to go to Mass w/o Kate to see Ellie read the Responsorial Psalms then had a meeting with the principal to discuss a possible book club for moms.(Definitely out of my comfort zone...but exciting, too!)   Then, of course, there was the laundry, dishes, paperwork that needed my attention as well as multiple requests from Kate and Luke to "Play with me, Mommy!" 

Then I blinked and the day went by and here I am trying to squeeze out a quick post!  

Hope your week is starting on a good note!

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