
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

And It's June...

Inconsistency seems to be my new blogging theme!

Things have just been so crazy with all the end of year events for each of the kids.  Not to mention that having bronchitis completely threw me on my butt!  Throw in Jay's surprise party in the midst of all that, and I am just one tired mom/wife!  Most days I still need a 10 minute power nap while Kate and Luke snuggle with me and watch Wallykazam!

I'm still struggling with the eye sensitivity/panic issues following my migraine problems in late April.  Some days are better than others and I'm hoping that the saying, "Time heals all wounds", will be kicking in soon!

In the meantime, I wear my sunglasses a lot, don't function as well as I used to, and try to be honest with myself about my new emotional limits.  (Which hopefully will be temporary!)

On a positive note, this weekend was filled with some special occasions!  Saturday night was Jonathan's Baccalaureate Mass and Sunday was his graduation.  I can't believe that four years went by so quickly!  This 6 foot tall, handsome young man used to be a pudgy little toddler that wouldn't leave my side!  Sniff, sniff!

Before Jon left for graduation

As he processed in

As he processed out

Throwing up his cap with his class

With most of his closest friends

Laughing at Andrew's smile...or lack thereof

Jay's mom made a cake for the family.
We all got together at our house for pizza from Jon's
favorite restaurant and some special dessert!

That's a wrap!  Four years of high school goes by in the blink of an eye!  I'm grateful that we have 3 years before we have to go through another high school graduation!  (And that year should be a doozy as well....since Ellie will graduate from 8th grade, Sarah from high school, and Andrew from college!  Ugh!)

Of course, it won't be the last graduation for 3 years since, God willing, Mike should be graduating from Assumption next year!

Sometimes I feel like I'm on a race track and they are all speeding off and growing up and I'm still at the start line trying to figure out how to make the shift work!

Congratulations, Jon!  We are very proud of you!

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