
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Weekend Outings

June:  week 2!
This time of year is so busy.  We went to the Roger Williams Zoo on Saturday.  It's a bit of a drive from our house but the kids really like it-especially Peter, who calls it the 'Big Zoo'.  In fact, Peter has been talking about it all winter and we've been telling him we would take him in June.

Well, on June 1st Peter was raring to go!  Unfortunately, there was no way we could take him that day because it was Jon's graduation!  Peter was emotionally escalating so Jay grabbed the calendar and we wrote "Big Zoo" on Saturday the 7th.

Thankfully, the weather was nice because we were going no matter what!

It was a good time:)

A special Happy Birthday shout out to my incredible husband!  I know it's a little anti-climactic after the big surprise party, but I hope you have a great day!  Love you!

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