
Saturday, March 15, 2014

What A Morning!

What a morning this has been....and there's still a little over an hour left!

Kate was very restless last night which meant lots of broken sleep for me.  At 1 am, Ellie came into my room and told me she "threw up a little bit on her bed".  Since Kate wasn't settled at the moment and I didn't want to wake up Jay because he was leaving early in the morning for a Lenten day retreat, I told Ellie to just change her pajamas and sleep on the couch.  I did ask her twice if she was sure if it was just 'a little bit'....and decided to just wash her bedding in the morning.

Well.....let's just say that this morning's  involuntary penance must mean that Jay is going to have one heck of a retreat!

Jay left before 6:30am and I dragged myself out of bed around 7.  I used the flashlight app on my phone so I didn't wake up Sarah, and I went into the girls' room to grab Ellie's bedding.  

Let's just say that Ellie and I need to have a discussion about the meaning of the phrase, "a little bit"!

At first I did ok.  Her fitted sheet is old so I decided just to throw it out.  I got her bedspread and blanket in a pile to throw in the wash.  Then, I noticed her pillows.  I will save you the details but I went out to get another garbage bag!

Before I re-entered the room, Ellie informed me that she lost her retainer when she threw up.  So...I took a deep breath and searched for the blue retainer in the midst of the 'yuck'.  I used a plastic bag like a rubber glove and cleaned it off with the sheet as best I could and it still sits in the bag by the sink!  (I'm thinking of saving that involuntary penance for Jay!)

I still kept my patience.....until I noticed the vomit all over the floor.(and all over the 'stuff' that is constantly around Ellie's bed no matter how many times she cleans her room!)  I started to get frustrated and ranted a little about the 'slob crisis' that frequently plagues many of my children!

Sarah woke up, which was good, so I could put on the light (and open the window!).  It was then that the scope of the mess was revealed!

The girls have bunk beds.  Ellie is on the bottom.  She not only got vomit all over her bed and pillows....and all over the things on the floor by her bed...but all over her shelf and the things on her shelves.(including a library book that I could not salvage!)  There was also vomit splashed on the bunk bed and on her bureau!

It was just everywhere!

I didn't do so well with that.  I've had worse moments, but I certainly wasn't as patient as I could have been!
The kicker is that Ellie feels just fine now!?!

Last night, my parents generously treated us to fish and chips.  Then, my dad brought the girls to our local ice cream shop that just opened for the season.  I'm thinking the fried food, which we eat very infrequently, mixed with ice cream just upset her stomach.  Unfortunately, she is a sound sleeper and was still half asleep when she got sick!

Yet, Ellie couldn't understand why I refused to let her have french toast and bacon that I had promised to make for Mike.  Really it was closer to being brunch than breakfast after I cleaned up Ellie's mess for over an hour and then showered!  Late breakfasts work for Mike, though, since he enjoys sleeping as late as he can in this crazy house!

Anyway, I'm rambling!

I hope your weekend started out in a much more pleasant way!

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