
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Catch Up!

I have been neglectful of the ole blog so far this week!  I had things to write in my head, but finding the time to sit at the computer just didn't happen!  (In case you read my weekend post, the vomit incident was just a random, one time event!(Thank-you, God!))

Here's what I would have posted on Monday...
Although I am only the tiniest bit Irish, I still tried to add a little 'food fun' to St. Patrick's Day!
Guinness Shepherd's Pie
This recipe is soooooo good!  I need to make it more often!
The only thing I altered in the recipe was exchanging peas for corn!

Guinness Chocolate Cake
It has a cream cheese frosting, which not all the kids are crazy about,
but the rest of us think it is fantastic!
On Tuesday, Andrew and I took a small road trip so he could take a campus tour at Assumption.  Andrew is not at all happy at his current college and applied to 3 other colleges.  We should be getting answers over the next week or two...and then answers on financial aid a week or two after that.

Seriously...I can't believe I'm doing the college search for 2 kids at the same time again!

This whole young adult parenting thing is not so easy!  

Andrew did like the school quite a bit and, since the starting price before any aid is almost $25,000 less than P.C., it is a real contender!

Ellie had a playoff game last night.  Her team won and they play again tomorrow!  

By the end of the day, I was exhausted and had one of those headaches because I was so tired that only sleep and no amount of Advil will help!  Gotta love that!

Today, I got to go to Mass.  It's a Solemnity, for St. Joseph(Jay's favorite), so every one is in a festive mood!  Someone was helping me with a surprise for Jay...but I can't write about it yet because I won't know if it works until tonight!  I will share tomorrow;)

I guess that's it!  Except...please say a prayer for my friend, Colleen, who is uber pregnant and officially due Sunday but soooo ready to be done!  The poor woman also got the stomach bug on Sunday and was at the doctor's for an ear infection today!  Talk about involuntary penances!  That just isn't right!

So....Happy belated St. Patrick's Day and Happy Solemnity of St. Joseph!  Enjoy the day off from your Lenten penances:)  Special prayers for all the special men in our lives to receive lots of blessings through St. Joseph's intercession!

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