
Friday, March 21, 2014

Working My Way Into the Weekend!

Welcome to Friday!  Linking up with Jen and ready to jump into this weekend!  

1.  Spring?
The weather still isn't shouting spring....and neither is the health of our household!  I guess there was a virus that didn't get the memo that winter is OVER because Jon woke up vomiting (multiple times) this morning.  At least he made it to the bathroom.  (Well, once he made it to the bathroom but not the toilet and he threw up in the bucket he was holding.  I had gone grocery shopping and Jon was so sick that Sarah cleaned the bucket out for him!  Such sisterly love!)

2.  Long Weekend
Sarah and Jon have a long weekend.....which is good since Jon won't miss school because he is sick but bad because who wants to be sick on a long weekend!  They actually have today off(professional day) and Monday off(Bishop's day).  Hopefully, Jon will be able to enjoy the tail end....and no one else comes down with it!  (But with our recent track record I'm not holding my breath!)

3.  Quarantined
Since our family is sporting another illness, we are quarantining ourselves!  Again!  Seriously, we have been trying to get together with our friends John and Pam for a month and keep having to reschedule!  Hopefully, we can actually hang out with our friends before summer gets here!

4.  Smartfood
On a different note, my kids went through 4 bags(!) of Smartfood popcorn in 6 days!  One of the bags was consumed when Jon and Andrew had friends over last weekend....but the rest was just eaten by my crew.  The teenagers were the biggest offenders! (Especially Jon....he is addicted!)   That's why I don't buy it very often!

5.  March Madness
While vomit has added a whole new level to our home's 'March Madness', I'm actually talking about the college basketball tournament.  With multiple sons and a husband that enjoys watching basketball, March Madness becomes a bragging rights competition in our house!  The boys are all really serious about it...especially Mike.  Ellie and I just guess and Sarah picked her teams based on which team's location she would rather live in!  (After yesterday, Andrew, Ellie and Sarah were tied for first...and I won last year so knowledge does not = a bracket win!)  

  Even though it is still the afternoon, Duke's loss has already wreaked bracket havoc for lots of people joining in March Madness!  But it is all part of the fun!:)  It's an opportunity for some fun...and bonding so I will take it!

6.  Luke and Kate
Can I just tell you how cute these two can be together?!?  Kate is developing such great pretend play skills from watching her big brother!  (and quite a few bad habits, too, just in case you erroneously thought that I had perfect kids or something!)  Today has been a stellar play day for them, though, and I love just listening to their high pitched little voices as the play together.  Of course, Kate often breaks Luke's Lego creations, but he is quick to forgive!  

Those moments when they are getting along and their pudgy little hands and big eyes just make me want to stop time and keep them like this forever!  

7.  St. Joseph Surprise
I mentioned on Wednesday that I was planning a surprise for Jay for St. Joseph's Day.  15 years ago, Jay's first job was 45 minutes away.  His co-workers introduced him to a really great pastry that a bakery close to work only makes on St. Joseph's day called a zeppole.  It's a pastry filled with yummy cream and sprinkled with powdered sugar.(so good!)
Well, one of Sarah's teachers lives right near the bakery.  I asked Sarah to see if I could give her money to pay for some zeppoles to surprise Jay with and have a special treat for St. Joseph's Day!  It all worked out and Sarah texted me after school to tell me she had "the stuff"!  

Jay was super surprised and we all had a wonderful treat!

Welcome to the weekend!

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