
Monday, March 3, 2014

Happy Monday!

Thankfully, we were spared the giant winter storm that the forecasters had been scaring us with last week.  It's freezing...and we have an inch of new snow...but it's March so spring weather can come at any time!


Winter, winter go away.....

I have to say that for the first time in a very.long.time we had a weekend with no plans!  I can't tell you how nice it was on Saturday puttering around the house working on little projects and spending time with each other.  With the Lego Movie still on the kids' minds, Luke, Jon and Ellie spent lots of time on Saturday sorting through our Lego bins creating all kinds of things.  Even Andrew joined in when he got home from work.

Luke thought it was great having so many people playing with him!

We had a family movie night watching The Emperor's New Groove, a gift Jon received from his friend, Amy, at his party.  It was the perfect gift inspired by our Emperor Kuzco references at senior night!  There were a couple of scenes in the movie where Kuzco reminded us of Jon, and Sarah would look over at us and laugh!  I found an even better picture comparison, too!

Sunday, Jay made an awesome chicken dinner for all of us and we had a mostly laid back day.  Hopefully, the restful weekend will help get rid of all the colds that are hanging around!  I can't wait until I can open up the windows and let some fresh air in!

Today, I have an extra kidlet.  My friend, Shelby, is relocating her family to Alaska(!) because of her husband's job.  She just gave birth about a month ago to her fifth child and now faces the monstrous task of getting her house ready to sell!  Her almost 3 year old daughter will be hanging out with us a few days a week for the next month or so to give Shelby time to do all that needs to be the midst of nursing and caring for an infant!  Yikes!

We have only moved once in our 20 years of marriage and it was only a few miles away when we had only 2 kids.  A few times over the years we have considered moving, and the whole process seemed completely overwhelming!

I hope you had a great weekend, too!  Happy Monday!

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