
Friday, September 6, 2013


1.  He's Gone....
We dropped Mike off at Assumption on Monday.  It still feels really strange not having him here.  He has been texting me several times a day and I've also gotten a daily phone far.  He seems to be happy and getting used to living away from home.  I'm glad he's adjusting...and we are too.

2.  They're Back....
in school!  It's been a crazy week and a half, but everyone is back in school.(Except Kate, who will be with me at home for 3 more years!:)(Thank God!)  This week was Luke, and Andrew and Peter's first day back.  So far it has been a smooth transition!

3.  My Saint of the Year

Back in January, I learned about a link from my friend, Colleen, where I could get a random saint of the year.  I decided to try it and the saint I got was St. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi.  She was a Carmelite mystic in the late 1500's and died in 1607.  She is the Patron Saint of the Sick.  So, when I got her name, I freaked out a little because, being prone to fear, I was afraid that it was a sign that I would get really sick this year.  (For the record, Jay said I was being silly and to just go online and get another saint!)

I'm just glad I didn't get St. Gianna Molla!  That was a special gift for my friend, Colleen, who is now expecting in March!

Anyway, I haven't gotten any horrible illness but I have started taking care of my health.  I had to find a new doctor and I actually made a physical appointment.  I also had an ultrasound of my thyroid to check on a goiter I have...which I haven't done since the year before Luke was born.  I even did blood work.  Thankfully everything was normal.

As a mom, taking care of myself is always last on the list....and we have a pretty long list in this house!  Choosing to take care of myself did lead to one diagnosis....

4.  Plantar Fasciitis
I started with foot pain back in early June.  It was so bad, that for most of the summer, I avoided wearing any sandals other than one particular pair that had straps higher up my foot and didn't leave me with a ton of pain for several days.  I had myself convinced that I had a stress fracture.  So, in my head, I figured if I took it easy for 6 weeks it would be better and go away.

It didn't.

So, I finally made an appointment at the end of August.  The doctor did an x-ray and  diagnosed plantar fasciitis.  I have to admit that I have not done everything the doctor said to do.  I am stretching and massaging(thanks, honey!).  It's feeling a little better, at least most of the time!

Taking time out to take care of myself is not an easy thing to do!

5.  Trying to Recharge
Speaking of taking care of myself, I am giving myself permission to take two weeks to re-charge after the August craziness!  I am trying to be nice to myself and only do what is really necessary.  No big projects in the attempt to lower my stress levels.  I just need a break.  Since a week away by myself in a tropical paradise is not an option, spending some time relaxing each day is as good as it's going to get!

6.  Cross Country
Sarah's cross country team had their first 2 meets this week.  Sarah did well!  Even though running is not her favorite sport, Sarah seems to be enjoying the team!  It's helping her to meet people...and get in shape for basketball season!(Which is her favorite sport!)
7.  Funny
On Sunday, Jay and I spent some time organizing our bedroom.  It needs a complete overhaul, but it is mostly tolerable for now.  While he was cleaning off his bureau, Jay found the card that I got him for Father's Day.  It still makes me laugh, so I thought I would share it!
Outside Cover:  "You know why we celebrate Father's Day?"
Inside: " Because someone couldn't keep his hands to himself!  Just sayin....."

It made me laugh out loud:)

I hope you have a wonderful September weekend!

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