
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

There They Go!

Our marathon of 'first day of school' has come to an end!

This morning, Andrew started college and Peter started his new school program.  By 8 am everyone was out of the house except for me and Kate, who was crying at the front door pulling on the handle because she wanted to go too!
Can't you just feel Andrew's excitement to start college!

Peter is ready to go...except I forgot to ask my dad to cut his hair last night!
That's what happens when you're the 7th child to go back to school...
mom is too tired to remember details!

It's eerily quiet here...and I am EXHAUSTED!  My body has felt like a lead weight for the last 24 hours....all I want to do is sit like a lump and read mindless novels. (Which I did do for a while yesterday!

Kate and I did venture out.  We went to Mass this morning.  She was less than stellar...but at least we got out for a little bit.  I got to visit with some friends for 20 minutes afterwards until Kate, who was overwhelmed by such a new routine, implored me to go home with a quivering voice and tears in her eyes.:(

It's going to take all of us some time to get used to all these changes.  It's been a tough month with Peter home, trying to get everyone ready for school, doing legwork to try and make Mike and Andrew's transition to college go as smoothly as possible, and an extra busy schedule.

Hopefully, by the end of the morning, Andrew will have his courses set up after meeting with the Department Head and feel confident about the direction he is heading.  Then, everyone will be where they should be and will just need some time to adjust to their new routines.

Me, too!

It usually takes me two weeks to recover from end of summer burnout after having Peter home 24/7 for a few weeks.  With all the other changes and challenges we went through in the last week, I'm thinking it might take a little longer this time!

With so many new routines, I'm curious to see how my own days change.  I've been praying for ways to be more organized and efficient.  It will be interesting to see the path opens up for me this fall!

For at least 2 weeks, though, I'm going to let the dust settle and watch my new routine take shape before tackling any big projects!  I just need a little time to breathe!

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