
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Random Mishmosh!....Swimming, Dinos, Games, Tea, Swearing and Pukey Lukie

Tuesday of our vacation week was a much needed pool/rest day.  It started with a character breakfast at Chef Mickey.  We got some great here to see yesterday's post!

After hanging out at the hotel room for a while just 'chilling' and letting the little ones play, we all "divided and conquered"!  Jay took Mike, Luke, and Peter to the T-Rex restaurant since Luke and Peter are in a 'dino phase' right now!  Luke especially loved it!

My dad took Sarah, Ellie, and Jon to Quest...a huge place with all kinds of interactive video games.  They had a lot of fun!

My mother, my sister, Kate and I went to the Tea Room at The Grand Floridian.  It was a fun time.  Thankfully, Kate slept(although I did have to nurse her once and it felt a little awkward in the more formal setting...and we had a male waiter!  Awk-ward!)

Jay and I spent an hour at the pool with the 3 girls and Peter and Luke.  Luke and Kate had their first Mickey pops...I wish I had my camera!  Luke did a great job but Kate had chocolate EVERYWHERE!  One of the Disney workers said it best..."Did she eat the pop or did the pop eat her?"  LOL:)

We had a fantastic dinner at the Captain's Grille Restaurant in the Yacht Club Hotel.  The little ones all behaved....(minor miracle)!  After dinner we all walked along the Boardwalk hotel next door and saw some street performers.  Luke asked for cotton candy, the girls got frozen lemonade, Jon got buffalo wings, and Kate had a cookie.

Then, on the walk back we stopped at the Beach Club hotel at a little ice-cream soda shop.  While we were there, Peter was getting antsy and starting to misbehave.  So, Jay threatened him by telling him that if he wasn't good, we would fly home tomorrow and we would use Jet Blue instead of Southwest.(We always fly Southwest so Peter is obsessed with Southwest and this gets his attention!  Hey...whatever works!)

So, Peter waved both his hands up in the air and yelled, "Holy Shit!" 
Umm...not the reaction we were looking for!  (But we couldn't stop laughing about it!)

Then, as we were finishing our ice cream, Luke had a little coughing fit and gagged himself and he threw up all.over.the.ground!  We ruined a few families' Disney magic that night! 
Before our walk to the Boardwalk

Carnival Games!

Mike is a carnival game addict...he won the 'banana monkey' and the shirt he was wearing!

Daddy and Kate:)

Andrew being silly!

My sister putting up with all my photo shots!

My dad being silly for the camera:)

On the way home, Luke got a new nickname thanks to his brothers...."Pukey Lukie"!  I think this will be one of those Disney memories that becomes 'family lore'...right up there with the Mickey Cow Incident and Excrement Day! 

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