
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Five Favorites...Disney Magic!

Wow!  It is tough getting back into a groove after a vacation!  Add in two little ones with bad colds and getting even less sleep than usual and it isn't so pretty around here!  There is something going on every night this week as well which is adding to our chaos....Women of Grace meeting, Honor Society, Youth Group and a double duo on Friday with Andrew and Jon both invited to Andrew's girlfriend's prom(Courtney's best friend invited Jon) and a Spring Gala Fundraiser for the girls' school!  (I'm hoping Kate and Luke are better by then since I was really looking forward to having some grown-up time with Jay!)  Add in knee surgery for Jay's dad today and trying to figure out Mike's college plans for next year with the looming May 1st deadline and this week is full to the brim and starting to run over!

I'm linking up with five favorites today over at Moxie Wife!  I would love to start sharing some of the highlights of our family Disney vacation, made possible by the generosity of my parents sharing their love for Disney magic!  Many thanks, Mom and Dad!

#1 Pool Time!
My kids love to swim!  After months of winter weather, being in a pool every day for an hour or two each time is such a treat.  After landing around 430 and getting to our hotel a little after 5 and going out for dinner, the first place we headed was the pool!  With temps still near 80 degrees even after 8pm, the water felt great!
Two pretty girls ready to swim!

Peter especially loves the water!  I think he is part fish!

Jon and Luke:)

Mike and Luke:)

Kate liked wearing her bathing suit, but the pool was not her thing!

Andrew and Courtney deep in conversation....but always within view;)

#2  Meeting up with Friends!
Is there anything better than getting to hang out with friends on vacation?!
Our close friends, Tony and Karen and their kids were going on a Disney Cruise, but we had a few hours that overlapped on Friday evening for a quick visit!
Sitting by the pool watching the kids, enjoying the warm weather, conversation with friends, a drink in our hands(thx, Tony!).....priceless!
Kate with Emma:)

Ahhh..grown-ups on vacation!(photo bomb courtesy of Mike)
Pretty girls!(Good thing they all have older brothers to keep the boys away!)

Group pic!
Silly group pic!

#3  Family Time!
The best part of being on vacation is being together and making family memories!  I love that there are no work or school or schedule interruptions!  Everything revolves around togetherness!
(Thankfully, there were very few moment of people feeling "too much togetherness!")

#4  Fun Photo Ops!
(These pics were at the Chef Mickey character breakfast at the Comtemporary Hotel)

#5  Great Food!
(and not cooking!)

If it seems like we have quite a few pictures revolving around food, well....we do!  There are so many incredible restaurants in Disney!
(Thankfully you do a lot of walking to help offset all the least a little!)
Some of my favorite meals were breakfast at Boma's Restaurant in the Animal Kingdom Lodge, our girls' night out dinner at Be Our Guest Restaurant in the Beast's Castle, dinner at the Captain's Grille at the Yacht Club Hotel, and lunch at Le Celier in Epcot's Canada.
Andrew and Courtney at Boma's where she tried so hard to get Andrew to try the juice!

Be Our Guest's beautiful and looks like the ballroom from Beauty and the Beast.
They even have a West Wing room with a glass enclosed magical rose!

Kate really enjoyed the chocolate cupcake!

I'm so thankful that Ellie was still excited to have her pic with the Beast!

Rainforest nachos and wings!  Yum!

Breakfast at Olivia's Cafe at our resort Old Key West before heading to the airport.

O' Canada!

More Boma's

and more Boma's

and more Boma's!

I have quite a few more funny memories to share...and more pictures if you can put up with me!  I will  share more soon!  One post I pre-wrote the day it happened because it was "one of those days" and best written with fresh sentiment!
Coming soon...stay tuned!

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