
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Just a Relaxing Sunday

Today was a great end to a really nice long weekend!  We started with Mass, then a quick breakfast.  Jay put together a roast with potatoes and carrots...which made the house nice and toasty with a great aroma!

We spent a lot of good family time with the kids.  Jay played with Luke, took Jon driving, threw a football around with Mike and spent time talking with all the kids.

Jay's roast was delicious(with homemade gravy)....there's hardly anything left over!  He spoils me:)

The day ended at my parent's house helping them to put up their Christmas tree and watching Home Alone.  Luke and Peter were especially excited!

A nice end to the weekend.  It's tough to get back into the work week groove after 4 days off!(Although I am looking forward to a quieter house tomorrow.  Hopefully poor little Kate will get a decent nap for a change!)

Thankful Thought #25:
I am thankful for a husband who takes such good care of me and of our children!  I am very blessed:)

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