
Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Successful Pierogi Day!

Pierogi Fest went great yesterday.  Jay, his mom, and the kids made about 300 pierogis!  Our freezer is filled.  Our kids love the potato and cheese pierogis with sour cream.  Mike, Jon, Sarah and Ellie polished off a dozen and a half pierogis for lunch today:)

Thankfully, my sister-in-law took some pics during the day....

 Jay making dough...
 Flour, flour everywhere!
 Mike and Jackie
 Mike posing..not looking very helpful!
 Sarah looking on...
 Grandma teaching Jon the right technique...
 Jackie and Jay's mom...
 Jackie, Jay's mom, Mike and Ellie...
 Luke and Brayden of the few minutes they weren't running around!
 Jay cutting keilbasa with Jon's silly face in the background...
 Mike looking not very helpful again...he will probably blame his broken hand....
 Jon being Jon....
Sarah and Ellie....

The kids all had a lot of fun spending time with family and making something tasty from their Polish heritage.  This is the fifth annual pierogi day.  It started five years ago, when Jay's grandmother, Babi, was still with us.  Babi was really slowing down...she had to use a walker, was forgetting a lot of things, and was upset because she couldn't really cook anymore and couldn't remember the recipes.  Jay and his mom decided to make pierogis after Thanksgiving as a way to share family memories and involve Babi in something that she used to do all the time.  On that first pierogi day, Babi started as an observer but ended up right in the middle of things as her hands took over and created what her memory struggled to recall.  Jay helped her get her walker right up to the island so she could kneed the dough and form the pierogis.  She was there for the second pierogi day as well, but passed away the following Spring.  For the last three years, Babi is always remembered in a special way and carried in everyone's hearts as pierogis are created just like she used to make.

Special family traditions link generations and deepen family bonds.  These shared experiences are timeless when you consider how many generations of family members have created perogis!  I'm glad that my kids are sharing in a part of their history...and having so much fun doing it:)

Thankful Thought #24:
I'm thankful for family traditions and special family memories!

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