
Friday, November 23, 2012

Pierogi Fest!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving!  Ours was very and family....and then more food and more family:)  I love the special holiday dishes and I am happy to say that my mini cheesecakes, pies, and chocolate chip cheesecake were a success!  Sarah's cookies were SO cute:)...tasty, too!

Today is another exciting day!  Jay is taking the senior youth group at our parish shopping at 5:30am to buy some gifts for two struggling families.  The kids have a ton of fun and it's a good service project, too.

I will be going shopping with my mom and sister...but not until 8ish.  (I already don't sleep enough!)  The three of us will stay out until at least dinner time.  With Kate in tow, I think that will be the limit this year.  Some years, we stay out until 9!  It's a lot of fun and something we look forward to every year.

Jay should be back home by mid-morning.  He will have a couple of hours before his mom comes over to begin something we call "Pierogi Fest"!  My kids LOVE pierogi fest.  They will spend the entire afternoon making dozens and dozens of cabbage and potato and cheese pierogis. The kids will eat dozens of potato and cheese pierogis...and Jay and his mom will eat some of the cabbage.  The leftover dozens of pierogis will be frozen.  The potato pierogis won't last long...maybe a month.

This year, Jay's sister, Jackie, and her 2 kids will be coming over to help make perogis, too.  They should all have a great time.  Polka music will be playing...and special family memories will be made.  My kids are as excited about perogi fest as they are about Thanksgiving!

I'll let you know tomorrow how it all turns out!

Thankful Thought #22:
I'm thankful for leftovers....especially desserts!

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