
Monday, November 26, 2012

Out and About

It has been a nice Monday so far:)  Mike and I took Luke and Kate to do a little Christmas shopping.  I am so close to finishing my list!  I'm still striving to finish before Advent starts this weekend.

Shopping went well for the most part.  Except when Luke broke a small snow globe at Kohl's...oops:(.  Luke got to ride the train at the mall.  Mike was hoping Luke would take a pic with Santa...but no go.  In Luke's words, "He's scary!"  On the way in the mall, Luke wouldn't even look at him.  By the time we left, Luke gave him a high five...progress:)

Kate took a 2 1/2 hour nap to make up for the lack of napping yesterday!  She was out cold!  She fell asleep in her carriage at the mall and stayed asleep through walking outside in the cold, transferring her into the car seat, and bringing her car seat inside when she got home!  She really needed the sleep.

When we got home, Luke wanted to watch a cartoon with me on the couch.  So we got some good snuggle time....and I got a 10 minute power nap!  You can't get much better than that!

Some time with my oldest, a great nap for my youngest, and snuggle time with my Lukie....pretty good way to spend the day so far if you ask me:)

Now...only 9 hours until bedtime!

Thankful Thought #26:
I am thankful for Kate's cute little crinkle nose's priceless:)

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