
Friday, January 30, 2015

Our Own Winter Prison...Oops, I mean, Wonderland

#1:  Juno
As I posted on Wednesday, The New Arendelle continues to be covered by lots of snow!  Up until Monday, we had almost no snow all winter!  Juno more than made up for that...and threw us into...

#2:  A Crazy Week
Because of the storm, everything came to a stand still for several days!  Driving bans lasted all day Tuesday.  My kids' schools were cancelled Tuesday, Wednesday, and even on Thursday!  So much snow makes Jay's home care job SO much harder and slow-going.  He is not having fun!  Everyone was back in school for Friday just in time for the weekend.  This Winter madness may continue....

#3:  More Snow?!?
Because 8-12 inches is being predicted for Monday!  Ugh!  Hibernation is sounding better and better all the time!

#4:  Broken Records
So, all anyone has talked about all week is the snow and "Deflategate"!  I hate controversy and, I have to say, it's ruining some of the excitement about the Patriot's being in another Superbowl!

#5:  Superbowl Sunday
Image result for patriots logo
I'm still pulling together a menu for Superbowl Sunday!  I'm definitely doing piggies in a blanket and a meatball sliders recipe I made a few weeks ago on potato rolls.  I'm planning on making a cheesecake, too.  Honestly, I'd rather just eat dessert;)

#6:  Super Bowl Stress
I will probably sound like a traitor, but I actually don't like it when the Patriots make it to the Super Bowl!   There are a few people in this house that tend to get a little worked up when the Patriots don't do well!  The further the Pats get in the season, the more stressful the games become!  I get in trouble all the time for saying, "It's just a game...." which several men in the house answer, rather loudly and forcefully, "It is NOT just a game!  You just don't understand!"  

Obviously not!  I mean, I love it when the Patriots win, don't get me wrong.  But we don't bet on the game....our livelihood is not anchored to the game's outcome... so, no, I guess I just don't understand.

The only good part about all this guy emotion is that, when the Patriots are struggling during the game, Jay can't stand to sit there and watch it.  So he goes and cleans all the pans from our football fare food in the kitchen!  #win for me;)

#7:  Purge, Purge, Purge
I think being inside so much with everyone is making me claustrophobic.  I feel that, (very occasional), desire welling up to do a complete and total clean from corner to corner of every room in the house!  I need to purge...organize....something to add a little order somewhere!  

Plus, we are probably looking at a room swap soon!  We will be giving the girls our "master bedroom" because their room is too small to fit Kate in and she can't stay in a crib in our room forever!  Thinking about the effort that switch will take...especially taking a bunk bed apart and then putting it back together(!) not motivating me!  I'm not looking forward to giving up my space...especially my closet!  (Sigh)  I keep telling Jay we should just move but he isn't seeing my vision!

Happy Weekend....Go Patriots!

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