
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Here Comes the Bride....

I know I said on Monday that I would continue with the wedding stories and pics on Tuesday, but the day just got away from me!  This week's calendar is just as busy as last weeks' schedule, and I'm trying to play catch up with paperwork, laundry, dishes, and especially sleep!

Even though today is another busy day, I've got a short bit of time to share a little more of the exciting wedding weekend!

Saturday morning started bright and early!  Sarah, Ellie and I had 8am hair appointments to get to.  Up-do's were the bride's request so that's what we did!

After our hair was done, I ran home to finish putting together everything we all needed for the day!  That was a task because I had to consider that we would be gone all day, weather would get chillier as the day went on, and the little kids would need pajamas and some "just in case" clothes!  The girls and I were doing our make-up and getting into our dresses at my sister-in-law's house, so I had to remember all of that, too!  Plus, I had to remind Jay(multiple times) what time to feed everyone, get everyone dressed, leave for the church, etc.!

Multi-tasking mania, I tell ya!

It was exciting getting to my sil's where everyone was in some stage of getting ready.  Hair was being done, make-up being applied....our own "Big Fat Greek Wedding" moment!  Julie's almost sil, Courtney,  had gotten champagne glasses for all of the bridesmaids of age and the bride, so mimosas were poured.  Jay's mom had made a fruit bowl, quiches, and coffee cake and I brought apple stuffed french toast with homemade caramel we all ate a good brunch.

More importantly, Julie was beaming!  She was so excited and happy and she looked beautiful!:)
When she came down in her wedding dress, we all 'ooh'd' and 'aah'd and her smile couldn't have been any bigger!
The beautiful bride

me and my girls

Julie with a very fancy Luke and my niece Mya, the flowergirl

Jay and his mom

My sil Jackie with Mya

In the limo leaving for the church
The wedding itself was wonderful.  Tom and Julie both looked so happy!  The "I do's" were exchanged and the groom kissed his bride!  It was a very happy moment!

While the bride and groom were congratulated by their guests, we had some time before leaving for pictures.  I brought my good camera and was hoping(fingers crossed, prayers said!) to get a family picture that was Christmas card worthy since we were all dressed up for the day!  My dad took about 30 pictures and at least a couple were really good!(Everyone looked and smiled...except Luke, who wasn't looking at the camera for any of them! I have no idea what the heck he is looking at!)

Here's a sneak peek.....
Probably the winner! 9 out of 10 looking isn't bad!

Everyone except Ellie is getting tired of smiling!

What is Luke looking at!?!

Yeah...everyone is done...but Ellie is still smiling!(And Luke is still a spaz!)

...and the ranks are broken...Pandemonium ensued! lol
I was thrilled to get even one shot that could be used!  #familyshotsaretoughtoget!

I got some really nice family shots at the reception....(I got lots of goofy ones, too!  I will share those on Friday!)
Andrew and Sarah

Jackie and Julie

A nice shot of my parents

Mike and Jon

Mike, Sarah and Jon

Jay and the boys with his sisters

A couple shot:)

Jay swinging my mom around the dance floor with her new knee!

Julie with her 93 year old grandfather

In Julie's words..."Those grandpa hugs have always been like gold....
invaluable and you have to take advantage of them when you can;)
I love him more than he knows....."
Priceless moments for sure!

Grandpa with 4 of his granddaughters and 2 of his great-granddaughters!

Can you stand this disheveled cuteness!
Luke was a dancing machine!

Julie and Tom...(I got at least one shot of the groom!)

Congratulations, Julie and Tom!  We are so happy for you!  
Love you both:)

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