
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Start of an Adventurous Week!

Wow!  Tuesday already!  How was your weekend?  Mine was good.

We got a little adventurous around here.  On Sunday, Jay took the youth group including all our older kids white water rafting.  This is the 3rd year(I think) that they have made the trip.  It's something they all look forward to.  This year was no different, and they all came home tired and excited about their adventure.

An older kid adventure usually means that I stay home with the younger set...which is always an adventure in itself.  It was a beautiful day and my parents were around, so I asked them to help me take them to the beach.  (I can't do a lot of things myself when I have Peter, Luke and Kate without help because it just wouldn't be safe!)

It was a perfect beach day!  We went to a small beach near my sister's house and we pretty much had it to ourselves.  Which is great because Peter doesn't always keep his hands to himself!  He loves to try and hug everyone!  Usually people are really good about it because it is pretty obvious that he has a disability, but it isn't always received well.

Peter ready to go!

Kate sitting with my mom for her first snack of many!
All she did was eat!

Ellie ready to jump right in

Peter lounging

examining their shell finds

A happy Peter

Kate with snack #3

It was a nice couple of hours that helped to break up the day.  Although, the afternoon dragged through dinner and beyond!  Everyone else (finally) got home around 8:30 and the four older kids showered and packed and headed to my parents' house because they were leaving for the airport at an unGodly hour the next morning for a vacation in Toronto!

Our house has an interesting dynamic this week!  We have a small(ish) family!  Only 4 kids!

Since it isn't often that I have just the younger set for an extended period of time, Jay and I wanted to plan a couple of fun things for them to do.  Yesterday, I took advantage of Peter being in school  still and made plans with my sil, Jackie, and friend, Laura, to head to Edaville with our kiddos for Day Out With Thomas.  It was a really nice day!

Luke looking less than excited waiting for the train to start!

Luke got very excited over the excavator and other construction trucks working
to create the "coming next year" areas of the park!

Flying with his cousin, Brayden:)

Friends and cousins on the little train

Luke being goofy!

Ellie and Brayden on one of her favorites....bumper cars!

Mya and Kate playing trains

It's so hard to get these two to look at the camera and smile at the same time!

Kate having fun on a car ride.

Ellie was a good sport!
Today was a rest day/catch up on bills and laundry and all the other things mom would rather put off has to do!  Tonight I am off on my "What Not to Wear" shopping trip with a few of my super stylish friends!  

Tomorrow Jay took the day off.  We didn't want Ellie to feel left out too much about not going to Canada, so we let her pick out an adventure.  Her choice....spending the day at a fairly local water park that she hasn't been to.  Luke is pretty excited, too, and water and big slides are right up Peter's alley!

Our adventurous week is underway!  I will share more stories (hopefully happy and pleasant!) later in the week!


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