
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How Did Monday Go By So Fast?

A day late and a dollar short...story of my life!  Monday whizzed on by so fast that I didn't have time to sneak in a blog post!

It was a busy weekend...Jay took some members of the youth group to participate in the 40 Days for Life, doing some Saturday cleaning, Mass on Sunday morning followed by baking:  apple crisp and mini apple tarts(yum).  Then, I got to spend the afternoon chatting with women at a tea party my friend, Karen, put on as a fundraiser for one of our school/parish families in need.  (The tea was great...the table was gorgeous and the food, in the words of Rachael Ray, "Delish!"  Karen is a super talented organizer!)

When I got back home, we had just enough time to carve our pumpkins(more on that later in the week) and clean up before Jay ran to practice for the Variety Show act he is a part of.  When he came back, I left to go to my own practice!  Quite the full weekend!

Monday morning, Peter had oral surgery.  He has needed dental work but couldn't tolerate anything less that being under anesthesia in order for the dentist to do the work that needed to get done.  Yesterday was finally the day.  I was soooo worried he was going to catch the sinus cold running around our house and we would have to cancel.  We have been waiting several months for this appointment!

Thankfully, Peter was fine and 3 hours, 6 cavities, sealants, a cleaning, and a flouride treatment later....and Peter has a "million dollar smile."  I am curious to see if it affects his behavior in any way.  He has a crazy high pain tolerance, but 2 of the cavities in particular were really bad and they must have been causing him some pain!

We left the office at 11 am and it felt like we had already worked through a full day!  The afternoon was not very productive for me or Jay.

The upside, Jay and I had about 3 hours to spend together and talk.  Yes, we were sitting in a dentist office while our son was having surgery but, hey, date time is hard to come by!;)

This is a busy week for me!  Yesterday was Peter's surgery, I worked this morning, tonight is a financial aid meeting at Jon's school, I am babysitting for a friend tomorrow and Thursday, and of course we have Halloween(also my grandfather's birthday) and All Saint's Day!  Phew...the weekend will be here before I know it!

Ellie and Luke are celebrating All Saint's Day at their school.  Ellie wants to be St. Lucy and bring 2 chocolate eyeballs on a plate with her all day:)  Ellie suggested Luke be St. Luke...and we will send him to school with a lab coat and a stethoscope.(since St. Luke was a doctor:)  Great idea, Ellie!

And....what about those Red Sox!
(Sarah will be glad when it's over so we can watch something other than sports every night!)

I hope your week is off to a good start!

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