
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Gentle Soul

I can't believe that we are at the very end of October!  The kids are excited for Halloween, which is also my (maternal) grandfather's 91st birthday!  I am grateful that he remains healthy and active.

My (paternal) grandmother was 93 in May.  I mentioned a couple of months ago that she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  So far, she has been mostly comfortable and doing well.  This week, she started to have leg swelling and had to take antibiotics for an infection.  The hospice nurse thinks that her kidneys are not working properly.  I know that we are on borrowed time with her, but I am praying that God allows her to stay healthy and without too much discomfort through the holidays.  All of us would cherish the blessing of having her with us for at least one more Thanksgiving and Christmas.

When my parents went to see her on one of their weekly visits on Sunday, my grandmother gave them a birthday card for Kate.  She told them it would be the last birthday and she didn't want to forget her.  That made me cry.  My grandmother is a gentle soul with a very big heart.

Kate's birthday isn't until December 19, so I hope this isn't a sign that she won't be with us through the end of the year.

My grandmother's illness makes this holiday season bittersweet.  Each moment we all have together as our extended family gathers with my grandmother still with us will be deeply breathed in by all of us.  I don't think any of us will want it to rush by.  I hope that each moment goes on and on and will fill us all with gratitude, joy, peace, and beautiful memories of the special woman that we have been blessed with in our lives.

Whenever I speak to her, she has peace about her illness.  Her faith in God is a comfort to her and she is not afraid to join Him.  It is a beautiful example to her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren...and hopefully will comfort all of us when the day does come when she is called Home.

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