
Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's a ....................

Yesterday was a fun day!  I hosted a reveal party at my friend, Pam's, house.  On Friday she had her ultrasound and delivered me a sealed envelope with the results in it.  She and her husband wanted to be surprised and find out with their four children(3 boys and 1 girl) who the new addition will be.

It was a lot of fun planning for the party.  I needed to keep it somewhat simple because I am far from Queen Crafty!  Simple but fun is what I was going for and I'm happy with the way things turned out!

I didn't do it all alone, though.  Sarah was a big help and made the Oreo cookie truffles and the frosting for the cakes, Ellie dipped the oreos in chocolate, and my mother-in-law made the bottom layers of the cake for me!
Team Pink or Team Blue?

Homemade sugar cookies cut into baby feet:)

The table set up...half blue/half pink!

Pam's youngest kids, Ava and Luke, were very helpful helping me set up!
They were soooooo excited!

Baby bassinet fruit bowl

The pink and blue cake:)

Blue Oreo truffles

Pink Oreo Truffles

Pink and Blue dipped Oreo cookies ala Ellie:)
Just behind the cookies is the flower vase.  I added sliced lemons to the vase
because of a pinterest pic I saw earlier in the summer.  As I was putting the lemons in at home, Jon
looked at me and said, "Why are you putting perfectly good lemons in a vase when you could
give them to Sarah to make pie?!?"  Boys just don't appreciate details!

For the actual reveal, I decided to get the appropriate colored balloon and I put them in a big, black garbage bag.  Then I wrapped the bag with baby paper and tied the top with a ribbon.  The idea was that the bag would open and the balloons would float up.  The balloons were a little "shy" coming out, but that just added to the anticipation:)
Pam untying the bow...

Ava was so nervous and excited that she didn't know what to do with herself!

It's a GIRL!  
I love Dad's(John) face and Ava's eyes couldn't get any bigger!
The house was filled with family and friends and when those balloons
came out, the cheer shook the house!

My favorite pic!
Ava was so happy she jumped into John's arms and started crying!  The boys were grinning,
Pam was tearing up and John reached over and put his hand on Pam's belly in such a
loving and tender way!
So much happiness:)


A very excited big sister!
 It was so much fun!  It was extra special because they were adding a little girl...Ava soooo wanted a sister!

Originally I had wanted to have a dark balloon filled with pink confetti and then have the family pop it.  But, when I went to the balloon store, they said they didn't do that anymore:(

The afternoon of the party, I came up with a different idea but it was too late to change things at that point!  With older kids, how much fun would a pink filled pinata have been!?!

Well...maybe if I ever do this again....(What do you think, Coleen?:)

Hope your weekend if filled with fun!

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