
Saturday, September 14, 2013

I Have a Secret!!!

I'm soooo excited!  I have a secret!  Yesterday, my friend, Pam, and I rendezvoused and she passed me the sealed envelope!  Inside was......

the result of her ultrasound!

I get to host a gender reveal party for her today!:)  Holding that envelope in my hand felt so cool!  I felt so privileged to be the only person other than the ultrasound tech to get a special glimpse at the little baby growing inside of her.

I didn't even open it right away!  I love the suspense!

So often, the anticipation of an exciting event is almost as special as the event itself!  Almost.....

That's all I'm writing for now because I don't want to take any chances!  I want it to be a surprise for their whole family!  It's not their first's their fifth.  They have three boys and one girl.  Obviously, a healthy baby is all they hope for and, thank God, everything looks great!

When you have a big family which, by today's standards is anything over 2 children(!), announcing a pregnancy is often met with mixed reactions!  People say, "Congratulations", but their eyes and their tone of voice really say, "You are crazy"!

And maybe parents of big families are a bit crazy....but there is something special about having a big family!  I can tell you from experience that siblings are excited about adding another to the mix!  Watching your children welcome a new baby to the family is an incredible experience.  Seeing their love and excitement over a new little person is really special.

For me, watching my teenage sons cuddle with their baby and toddler siblings every time they walk in the front door just melts my heart!

So...why a gender reveal for baby #5?  Because every baby is special and deserves to be celebrated!  With multiple children, pregnancy can sometimes be looked at as routine.  But each little one is unique and special!  The opportunity for anticipation is rarely greater than finding out after weeks of first trimester morning sickness and exhaustion and ligament pain and bathroom trips more about the little one that is growing inside of you!  It makes the baby feel more "real" and you start thinking more about the individual little person he or she will be!:)

Celebrating life as the gift it is?  Priceless!

Until tonight, Pam and her family and friends will be filled with anticipation to find out more of who this little one really is!
  1. So what do you think!?!
    Team Pink or Team Blue?!?

    I'm not telling....until tonight:)

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