
Friday, August 9, 2013

It's Friday Again?!?

How did a whole week go by already!  I need some brakes for this crazy life!  If anyone knows where I can get some, PLEASE(!) let me know!

Since that's a long's my 7 Quick Takes from the week....

#1:  Strawberries

Jon and Sarah planted flowers and strawberries for me for Mother's Day.  This picture is...wait for it..."the fruit of their labor"!(hee hee:)  The berries were very sweet!

#2:  To Sleep or Not To Sleep
In yesterday's post (click here),  I was struggling with several night of lousy sleep.  Thank-you to all who sent sleep prayers and thoughts our way!  Last night was sooooo much better!  We still have a ways to go before sleeping through the night is a reality around here...but I will take waking up 3 times as opposed to 9+ times any day!

#3:  Happy Birthday, Luke!
My baby boy turned four this week!(sniff)  Luke was so excited!  I tried to make it a Luke centered day and played with him when he asked and snuggled with him on request.  We spent some time at the playground and he had so much fun that he asked to go back after dinner!  (So we did...along with getting a special ice cream treat for the birthday boy!:)
Love this face!

Sarah and Luke on the twisty slide:)
 #4:  A Birthday Haircut!
Luke getting ready for bed after a fun day...and a haircut from Pa!:)

#5:  Catching Up With A Longtime Friend
A friend since high school came by for a visit this week!  We haven't seen each other in quite a few years!  Thanks to Facebook we re-connected a couple of years ago.  Seeing each other again in real life was great!  (As was meeting her adorable 8 month old son!)  Ellie loved him and held him almost the whole time!

#6:  Still No List
I have still not gotten the back-to-school list ready to go!  I'm avoiding it!  With school starting in 2 weeks, I have to get my act together! 

#7:  A New Driver

Jon got his driver's license this morning!  While I am very happy for him, the driving milestone is definitely my least control and lots of worry (not my favorite combo!)  Jon is very excited...and now he is looking for a car!

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