
Monday, July 22, 2013

I Made it Through the Weekend!

The weekend that I have been dreading is over!  It was a loooooong weekend without having Jay home.  After leaving at 8am on Friday morning and returning last night(Sunday) at 8pm, I was ready to let someone else be in charge of all the littles.  Of course, after bringing in all their smelly laundry(goodbye laundry vaca), they were all excited to talk about their weekend and crashed as soon as they sat down due to the lack of sleep.

Kate and Luke on the other hand were excited to see everyone and took much longer than usual to get to bed!

It wasn't a horrible weekend.  There were some positives to having half a household!

 One of the positives I forgot to mention was finally getting to throw out all the extra toothbrushes that we seem to have accumulated over the last couple of weeks!  I don't know if this happens at your house, but sometimes the kids grab a new toothbrush because their's is M.I.A., or some other random reason, and then their old one turns up or they are just too lazy to throw the extra away!  I think we were up to 15 toothbrushes for 10 people!

We are hardly ever home all at the same time to ask which are the "real" toothbrushes!  And, honestly, when we are all home I don't think about it!  I only remember when I'm brushing my teeth and trying to organize the toothbrush overflow!

Since 5 people were gone, and I know which toothbrush belongs to me, Luke, Peter and Kate, I only had to ask Ellie!  Mystery solved and the toothbrush holders are now organized!(At least for a little while!)

Ellie's sleepover went great and she had a ton of fun with her friend!  They are so cute together and get along great!

We had some pool time fun with our friends, The Martins, on Saturday afternoon.  It was nice to have some grown-up conversation!  Their youngest son, Alexander, is 5 months older than Kate.  I'm thinking that arranged marriages might not be such a bad idea!
Look at these cuties:)

Kate's in agreement:)

I kept it quiet on Saturday night with an easy dinner and clean up and then more pool time!  The little kids love to swim after dinner....but to be honest I did the extra pool time so I didn't have to give them a bath!

Lazy mom:)

Ellie was exhausted and the little ones were in bed by 8:30.  I decided against a movie and just read and watched HGTV.:)  Peter had a hard time settling because there was lightning outside, but I just let him stay in the living room and watch the outside "show".

On Sunday morning, we lazed around a little and then my mother-in-law came to stay with Luke and Kate so I could bring Peter and Ellie to Mass.  Peter is a handful at Mass...and so are Luke and Kate.  I don't have enough hands to take care of all of them on my own, (and keep my sanity!), so I called for backup!

After a quick lunch and a nap for Kate and pool time for Luke and Ellie, I hired a babysitter for Luke and Peter and took the girls out for a quick errand to the mall, an early dinner, and grocery shopping.  It was good to get out of the house for a few hours!  It was good to spend some special time with Ellie, too!  By the time I got home, put the groceries away, brought the sitter home, and gave the kids some ice cream, everyone was walking in the door!  Finally!

I have an offer for babysitting from my dad and some shopping from my mom for this afternoon.  I'm looking forward to a few child free hours!

I hope your week is off to a good start!

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