
Monday, July 29, 2013

A Fun-Filled Weekend!

We had a fun-filled weekend on Martha's Vineyard with almost all of our kids.  (Unfortunately, Andrew had to work and didn't ask in advance for the time off so he stayed back with Jay's parents and sister for the weekend:(

I did manage to pack and get out of the house as scheduled.  I'm usually not a last minute packer, but that's just the way Friday went!

The boat ride was, thankfully, uneventful!  My mom took Jon, Sarah, and Ellie over on an earlier boat so my dad came with us and the rest of the crew:)  Look how thrilled Peter is!  He loves, loves, loves the Vineyard and talks about going all year round!

Luke with my Dad:)

Luke and Daddy:)  Best fixing buddies!

It was a jam packed weekend filled with doing all of our favorite Vineyard things!  I have a ton of great pictures...most surprised me!  There are a couple of pics that came out amazing because of being by the ocean when some clouds were gathering!  There's too many to share in one post so I will spread it out across the week!  Hope you get a chance to come back and take a peek:)

I will leave you with one of my favorite pics from the weekend(but not my absolute favorite...I can't wait to share that with you later in the week!  I love it so much!!!)
I just love Kate in her little hat...and she grabbed the sides and said 'cheese' in a perfect pose:)

I hope you are having a great Monday!  I am trying to make July last!  August always goes by so fast and I am not ready to get into 'back to school' organization mode, yet!

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