
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Just Keep Planning.....

Trying to get back into a groove after a long weekend is never easy!

I want to start this post with a belated "Thank-You" to all of the men and women that have served, and are currently serving our country!  Thank-you for the sacrifices that you and your families have made!

Our weekend was very productive with both projects and planning for future projects....a.k.a our 3 year kitchen expansion project.  Jay got a lot done...and, as always, it was sad to see the weekend come to an end!

Andrew had a great time at prom on Friday.  The weather here was pretty lousy on Friday, but thankfully, there was a 2 hour break in the rain to get pictures before they left for the prom.  Thank-you, God!

Tonight is senior awards night.  Then, we have a little breather until Peter's IEP meeting Friday morning and then this crazy busy weekend filled with lots of accomplishments!  Mike graduates on Saturday morning at 11, Andrew's Baccalaureate Mass is at 6:30 Saturday night, and Andrew's graduation ceremony is on Sunday at 2!

I am feeling quite overwhelmed at all I am juggling and trying to make sure that I make things special for them.

Oh, and the other kids still need attention, too!:)

It's just a little extra chaos.....

I am especially trying to give Mike his time to shine!  I feel bad that we can't spend the whole day Saturday focused on him and celebrating and spending time as a family.  First they share a a graduation day!  Oy!

So far my ideas to make sure Mike doesn't feel slighted are a late lunch following his graduation with the family members able to attend, followed by an extra special cake back at home that my sil, Jackie, found online.  It's an oreo cheescake cake...get ready to drool!

First you bake an oreo cheesecake and then you bake a homemade chocolate cake and then you put it all together with homemade frosting!  It's going to be a lot of work...but a labor of love to make Mike feel special!  I'm going to make it on Friday and hide it in my mother's fridge!

I'm also planning on getting some of his friends together for snacks and games and smores that night so that, while most of us are at the Mass for Andrew, he doesn't feel like we just ditched him!  I'm not sure whether I want to try and organize the friend get together part as a surprise or not.......but I have to decide by tomorrow to give them some notice!

For Andrew, Sunday I'm thinking we will have food(probably cookout or pizza) and cake after his graduation.  His cake will be from Jay's mom because Andrew loves her cake!  (He told her that he wants her to make his wedding cake someday!:)

I'm planning a big graduation bash for both of them later on in June with extended family!

(and I have to get going with sending out invitations for that, too!)

...and then there's all the emotions over having your two oldest children graduate and get ready to take the next step in their lives!  Yeah..."Ain't nobody got time for that!"

My mantra for the next 36 hours needs to be ala Dory..."Just keep planning, just keep planning, just keep planning, planning, planning...."

I hope you had a great weekend:)

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