
Friday, February 22, 2013

The End of a Season and an Era

Last night, most of family went to watch Mike's last basketball game at his community college.  It is the "end of an era" for Mike because I don't think he will pursue playing at whatever college he goes to next year...though I'm sure he will probably join a club team and play pick up ball forever!

His basketball schedule has definitely dominated much of his life for the last two years.  His team starts practicing in early September and doesn't end until the end of February.  He spends hours almost every day with his team watching film, lifting weights and practicing.  Because they have to share a gym with the high school next door, their practices generally don't start until 8ish every night and last until 11 or 11:30.  Getting home at midnight, starving and needing a shower and a while to wind down, the mornings he has 8am classes for are a challenge to get up for.

(But get up he did!  Mike has a 3.9 GPA...something I'm even prouder about than his commitment to basketball!)

Here was Mike's last game in pictures....

....the sign we made to embarrass encourage him with.
 ...the pregame moment where they announced each of the graduating players and presented them with a framed action photo from the season.

...announcing Mike in the starting line up!  First time starting for Mike, and his teammates all imploded on him for a lot of enthusiastic bumps and fist pumps!
 ....Mike's personal fan section!
 ...a (kind of) action shot....
 ...intently watching his teammates. and Kate, who was super adorable the whole game:)
 ...another action shot.
.....Mike and one of the graduating captains having a moment at the very end of the game.  Endings can be bittersweet!
 ...Mike with 2 of his biggest fans.(and Jon photo bombing in the background!)
 ...our 6'4" basketball loving young adult who now has quite a bit of time on his hands...and about to embark on the next part of this adventure called life!
  Congratulations, Mike...Dad and I are very proud of you!

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