
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February Vacation!

February Vacation week!  Oh, how I wish I was somewhere warm.  The couple of times that we have been blessed to go to Florida during February vacation were heavenly!  One of my favorite all time memories was sitting by the pool, eating dinner and watching the kids swim at 7pm on a February night!  It doesn't get much better than that!

Despite the lack of warm weather, it's been a good week so far.  The kids have done a lot of hanging out and relaxing.  They have spent, and will continue to spend, some time with friends.

I was the one feeling antsy today.  But with Peter having therapy in the am, Mike having an early morning college class and Jon needing to be at school for 3:30 to leave for his LAST BASKETBALL GAME of the season(!!Hooray...One season down and three to go!), it didn't leave me much time to do something.  I also didn't know what the "something" was that I wanted to do!

It's not easy to plan something(not too expensive) that a baby, a toddler, tweens and teens will all enjoy!

I was the only antsy one in the house anyway!  Jon, Sarah, and Ellie spent a long time playing Monopoly.  The boys spent some time playing video games.  After lunch, Andrew, Jon, Ellie and I spent time playing Just Dance 4.  (It's fun and exercise....I wish they had a Just Dance 80's Edition!)  Then Luke and I played Legos together.

It's been a nice, uneventful week so far!  Maybe there's not a lot of (extra) hoopla going on around here, but the kids are enjoying it!

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