
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Party Fun

Last night I threw small surprise party for Andrew.  Eight of his friends, including his girlfriend, were over for a night of Quelf(a very funny game the teens are hooked on), chatting, Just Dance 4, and a little Mario Cart.  Add in some cookies and caramel chocolate pretzel creations made by his girlfriend, some chips, soda, cheese pizza(since it was a Friday in Lent), and some chocolate cupcakes that I made using my mil's recipe, and it was a really good night.

The teenagers all got along well and had a lot of fun.  Andrew was surprised, which was great!  I thought he had overheard us talking about it and was just pretending not to know.

I kept it small since Andrew is not a big fan of being the center of attention!  I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he's 18!

I'm glad I had the party.  It had it's bumpy moments....

Like when I overcooked the bottoms of one of the cupcake tins...the other tin came out fine!  Must be the oven!  But I just saved those for our one complained!

And when Luke picked pieces off of the top of several of the cupcakes while they were cooling when we were all busy cleaning and not paying attention to him for 20 seconds!  That was not a stellar moment!

And when Peter was Soooo excited for the party(and the cupcakes) and kept hugging Courtney and her friend and making loud noises while we were waiting for Andrew.

Never a dull moment in our house!

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