
Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Blogiversary!

Today is my "blogiversary"!

One year ago, I finally took a step toward's my years long desire to write by starting a blog.

I'm really glad I did.

I love that I have a place where memories have been captured that the kids will someday use to see a glimpse of their family life.

I love that I have a place to write my feelings and thoughts.  I hope that it will help my children to know me better and to see my joys and struggles with parenting and family life when they have families of their own someday.

I am grateful to have something for me that I have consistently stuck with for so long.

Sometimes I feel tempted to go all firstborn, type A personality in regards to blogging.  I start to get discouraged about growing my blog, or overwhelmed with the technology options that I don't really understand, or get frustrated about not knowing if blogging will need to a "next step" in this writing adventure and what I need to do to get there.

Instead of giving up, I have been able to take a breath and refocus and pray that God guides me in the direction I'm supposed to go.  Blogging has given me the opportunity to practice contentment and just choose to appreciate where I am on this writing journey.  Because of blogging, I have concentrated more on "Living in the Moment  Through the Eyes of Faith" with my children, my husband, my extended family and friends, and even in growing and expanding my blog.  (Slowly, slowly, slowly...but God certainly knows I need to practice patience!)

Not all of my children always appreciate that I blog.  Occasionally, the teenagers make the comment when they say or do something, "This better not end up on your blog, Mom!"

I think they enjoy reading the family stories from past and present moments, too.  :)

I like the connections I have made with other women bloggers.  I have gotten some great ideas, learned from other people's writing styles, and am privileged to have a glimpse into other people's lives.

Thank-you to all of my readers who take the time to have a glimpse into my "Normal Chaos"!

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