
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I'll be linking up today with  Things I can't say(something old) and Suscipio(something new)....Suscipio is a borrowed idea from Martin Family Moments and the something finish off this little "wedding rhyme" that popped into my head...was Peter's very bad day at school yesterday that included him throwing a desk and biting two of his teachers:(  (Hopefully, his day is better today...holding my breath waiting for a phone call that (I hope) won't come!)

C.W.A. Stands for Catholic Women's Almanac.....

Things I'm Thanking God For:

~Being able to stay home on this rainy, cold day and enjoy my little ones.  Lots of snuggles and playtime!
~Seeing Mike(20) and Luke(3) snuggling on the couch watching The Land Before Time II.  A new movie for Luke, who has recently gotten into dinosaurs, and a blast from the past for Mike.  I haven't managed to sneak a pic of the two of them yet(Mike keeps noticing)!
~The work that I know He is going to do in Mike!

~Boudaries With Teens by Dr. Henry Towsend
~How to Raise Almost Perfect Kids by Dr. Gregory Popcak
(Those are for guidance for When Parenting Isn't Easy)

~Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst(for book club)
~Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss(for bible study)
~Full of Grace by Johnette Benkovic(for my Parish's women's group)

The definition of contemplative prayer...a subject brought up at the women's group last night.

For all my kids....but especially my oldest.
For a family member in the midst of a separation.
For our next Pope.
For my husband who has been having a very bad week(struggles with his job and someone stole his GPS)

~I just threw together a small chicken parmesan meal for Mike for lunch.
~I have a cranberry pork roast cooking in the slow cooker for supper.(I like to cook meals from scratch and I am blessed to be home and able to do it:)
~I made a chocolate chip cheesecake on Sunday for Jon's's his favorite!

~Comfy black yoga pants and a $5 clearance rack Gap long sleeve t-shirt that is incredibly soft!

~Ways to make our budget work until our tax returns come in.  (Can.not.wait!  It's becoming a struggle to "borrow from Peter to pay Paul"!)

Waiting For:
Spring!!!!  And warm weather so I can finally escape the house with these little ones!


A baby girl who adores her older brother!  (And a big brother who adores, and is very patient, with his baby sister!)

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