
Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's December!

Happy December!  This is such a special month!  So much excitement, lots of special traditions, yummy cookies and cakes and pies, special family time....a jam packed month for sure!

Last night we watched Unaccompanied Minors(Jon's request) and today we put up our Christmas tree.  It went well for the most part....there was one accidental elbow between Mike and Ellie and Luke threw a candle into the Christmas bin and broke a decorative candle holder.  No major arguments or problems!

I just love Christmas lights.  There is something just so magical about the glow of the Christmas tree lights and the lights around our living room windows!  Definitely one of my favorite things!

Another momentous occasion took place today!  Kate took her very first step:)  She is 17 days shy of her first birthday!  (Where the heck did that year go!)  She got so excited when I started cheering for her!  Then she took her second step to daddy(and he just melted:).  Yep, he's wrapped around another baby girl's finger!

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