
Friday, November 30, 2012


This will be the last official 5 minute Friday of the year.  The site that sponsors the meme is taking a break for December.  I might keep it up myself because Fridays tends to be a little crazy and 5 minutes completely fits my schedule:)


The word of the day is a good one;


This is such a great word!  What pops into my mind seems to focus on the fast approaching Christmas season.  The wonder of seeing the kids, little and big, so excited.  The wonder of seeing Kate look at the Christmas tree lights for the first time.  (Well, technically not the first but she was only a few days old last Christmas!)  The wonder of Luke's excitement over the first snow flurries of the season.  

Most importantly, the wonder of a Savior who came as an infant to save us from ourselves.  

One of my favorite moments of this season is Christmas Eve.  The older teens are like the little kids in their excitement and there is just a special peace and love that I sense between them when the sun has set and we sit by the dim glow of the Christmas tree waiting to go to my in-laws.

Later on that night after a special meal and present exchange with my in-laws, when the little kids are in their beds and the older kids are banished to their rooms for the night, Jay and I have some (hopefully) alone time where we put on Christmas carols softly and sit by the light of the Christmas tree drinking eggnog and exchange the gifts we got for each other.  

and.....for the very last day!...
Thankful Thought #30:
I am thankful for the special traditions our family has...and that our kids still want to be a part of them!

p.s. One of my friends and fellow bloggers is at a milestone follower number...199!  She is a mom of 5, faith-filled, and feisty:)! I'm leaving the link to her blog.  If you have a moment...please check it out and if you like it, consider following:)

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