
Sunday, November 18, 2012

I Get to Leave the House!

I'm looking forward to doing a little Christmas shopping at our Parish's vendor fair in an hour!  I cannot wait to get out of the house for a while and leave the little ones with Jay.

I actually got out of the house for 2 hours last night, too.  Since Kate was still under the weather, she and Peter stayed with my parents and Luke went to play at my mother in law's while I got to go to the Variety Show at my Parish.  It was coordinated by one of my closest friends, Mary(she always does a great job...choreography is her passion!) and Andrew, Jon and Sarah were in it as well.  Andrew and Jon organized their friends to do a parody of "Gangnam Style" about Steve, our Parish's Director of Pastoral Ministries.  Andrew wrote the words and Jon choreographed the was hysterical!  They have a gift of 'tease' that can be put to good use entertaining others!  (Steve loved it:)

Jay and some of the other men in the Parish also gave into Mary's idea based on a youtube video of a synchronized "swim routine"...the water is a big blue tarp that's held across the stage for the "swimmers" to "dive" into.  Everyone was in stitches!  (Don't worry, no one wore speedos! lol)

This morning Andrew made some hot chocolate for Luke....really 'lukewarm chocolate' by the time we put milk in it.  Andrew left the milk on the island and left the room.  Can you guess what happened next?  About a half gallon of milk spilled all over the counter, all over Luke, and all over the stools and floor!  Ugh!  What a mess!

I know the saying, "Don't cried over spilled milk"....but what about when it's a half gallon!?!

I didn't cry.  (Good thing this didn't happen yesterday.  I would have melted down!)...and Andrew helped with Kate and put Luke in the tub while I cleaned up the mess.

So...I'm anxiously awaiting Jay's return home(he's with some guy friends) to head out.  I love shopping...especially Christmas shopping.  I'm probably 75% done with my Christmas shopping:)  It's been my goal for quite a few years now to get the shopping done before Advent so that I can have that time to focus more on the spiritual side of Christmas.(Or at least try to!)

On the schedule game(go Pats)...and hopefully a visit with some friends if Kate stays fever free this afternoon!(So far, so good!)  It's shaping up to be a pretty good Sunday:)

Hope you  have a great Sunday, too:)

Since I didn't post yesterday, I'm playing catch-up with my 'Thankful Thoughts' again.....

Thankful Thought #17:
I'm thankful for some "me" time and a chance to mingle with people over the age of 3!

Thankful Thought #18
I'm thankful for the moments my kids show compassion.  The most recent example...Yesterday was a tough day with Kate not feeling well.  Jon looked at Kate with her runny nose, pink cheeks, glassy eyes, and miserable expression and said "Poor baby"... Then, he looked at me, and said, "Poor, Mom...because a sick, cranky baby means a mom who can't put the baby down to get anything done or get a break."  Sometimes it's just nice to be understood!

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