
Monday, November 19, 2012

Everyday Drudgery

Thanksgiving week....and I definitely have much to be thankful, friends, our home, health, enough of everything we need.

Sometimes being home doing the "everyday drudgery" of laundry, dishes, clean up, and care of the little ones can feel insignificant.  The following quote was in my inbox the other day, and I saved it because it felt so meaningful....

"Know that when you are in the kitchen, our Lord moves amidst the pots and pans."
St. Teresa of Avila

An important thing to remember, don't you think?  Even washing the dishes can give glory to God...and we certainly have lots of dirty dishes:)

Thankful Thought #19:
When we are living in God's Will for us, every task that is before us, whether big or small, brings us Grace.

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