
Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday Meditations

My amazing husband, Jay,  put together some short(5 min each), thoughtful reflections on Holy Week. I hope you enjoy them as we celebrate a very special time of year in a very untraditional way!

Rosary Series for Holy Week:
Youtube Links:

How to pray the mysteries:

What if I’m bad at meditating?:

The Transfiguration:

The Institution of the Eucharist:

The Agony in the Garden:

The Scourging at the Pillar:

The Crowning with Thorns:

The carrying of the Cross:

The Crucifixion:

My God, My God, Why Have You Abandoned Me?:

And here's a link to a song that I like that feel appropriate for today. Praying that you have a very spiritual Triduum!

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