
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Countdown to a Wedding

So I blinked and now it's August!! Still not quite sure how that happened! The end of July was chock full of fun and adventures. Here are Seven(ish) Quick Takes that wrap up the month! 

#1 and #2: The Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties

Front Row: Jacob, Andrew(who really was happy but doesn't generally smile for pics..insert eyeroll here...and Jon(best man and brother of the groom).
Back Row: Keegan, Mike(brother of the groom), and John
The guys spent a fun Friday afternoon/evening celebrating Andrew. They headed off to Foxwoods Casino, all wearing Hawaiian shirts for fun, and did a little gambling, had a great dinner at Guy Fieri's, and enjoyed a Weird Al Yankovic concert! Lots of fun was had and lots of memories were made.

Not to be outdone, the girls headed out to an overnight in Martha's Vineyard at my parent's vacation home. They enjoyed lots of girl time, beach time, yummy breakfasts, Mexican food, ice cream, more beach time, experimenting with funky colored make up and lots of games. Lots of fun was had and lots of memories were made! :)

From left to right: Sarah(sister of the groom), Victoria(sister of the bride), Liz(bride to be), Ellie(sister of the groom), Marisa(future sister-in-law of the groom)
#3: Pro-Life Boot Camp
Jay took Ellie and 11 more kids from the high school youth group to our Diocese's Pro-Life Boot Camp. It's the 9th year of the Camp, and it's something our older kids have always looked forward to. Andrew is still a chaperone for the camp each year and Sarah helps to organize the camp. It's also where Jon and Marisa met 5 years ago!! 

There are spiritual talks, visits to nursing homes, and they pray outside of an abortion clinic. The kids also get some fun time in with lots of games, including soccer with the bishop, an obstacle course, some kind of craziness with shaving cream thanks to Jay, fun with giant balls(also Jay), ultimate Frisbee and various other things that Jay finds on the internet.
Under all that shaving cream is Sarah!

#4: Time with the Littles
The last couple of years that Jay was away at boot camp, I've taken the younger crew and Peter over to the Vineyard with my parents. We get to go to restaurants, eat ice cream, go to the Flying Horses and go to the beach. It's just a tad more fun than being stuck at home with mom while dad, who is more of the "fun parent"(as you can see in #3), is away. Jon and Marisa were able to join in too!

Kate and my Mom 

Jon and Marisa

Kate loving the waves

Me and Peter

Luke sporting a new Black Dog early birthday gift

Marisa and Peter

Peter got the Brass Ring!

Jon and Kate

Peter in his happy place


ice cream!

More ice cream:)

Kate and Pa(and ice cream:)

Ready to grab the ring!
#5: Kate's First Fishing Trip

This year the weather cooperated and Kate got to go fishing on Pa's boat for the first time! And she had some serious beginners luck!! 

Two at a time!!! Grandma and Pa helped a little!

Kate and Marisa

Kate caught Ba-bee shark doo doo doo de doo! 
But she was too afraid to take a picture with it!.....

A little too much fear....Couldn't quite get her to smile..or get close to the shark!  lol
Not to be outdone...Jon caught Da-ddy shark doo doo doo de doo

Luke had some fishing success as well!

Peter fished for about 30 seconds and preferred hanging around in the sunshine

More success

#6: A Big Birthday!
Peter turned 18 on the 31st! I can't believe it! He was SO excited for his birthday. Sarah made him cupcakes to celebrate with the family and brownies to bring to his summer program. He got lots of special attention! We got him his beloved dinosaur balloons and a Mickey suitcase so he can pack his own clothes when we go back to the Vineyard next month and for our Disney trip in December! :) 

#7: It's the Final Countdown!

Only 7 more days until Andrew and Liz say "I do"!!!! I'm so excited! There is lots to do between now and then but I'm sure everything will come together. (Hopefully with minimal stress or mishaps!)

The furniture got delivered to their apartment this weekend and they are slowly starting to move their things in. Andrew got wifi hooked up and they bought a tv. The bathroom had needed work, but that will hopefully be done right before the wedding. So we get to enjoy having Andrew home with us for just a few more days!

Coming up this week: Luke's birthday gift...his first Red Sox game with Jay, Luke's actual birthday, a meeting with DDS to get Peter signed up for adult services, getting an appointment to sign Peter up for SSI, mani/pedi appointments, Peter's last week of summer program, picking up tuxes, and trying to keep everything organized as we head into a VERY special weekend!


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