
Friday, July 6, 2018

Summer, Please Slooooow Down!

I cannot believe that it is already July! I'm linking up with This Ain't the Lyceum for 7 Quick Takes Friday!

1. Family Time
Jay had the last week of June off and we spent 5 days of it in New Hampshire. For several years I have wanted to take the little kids to Story Land. We had taken our older crew a couple of times when they were younger, so I wanted Kate and Luke to have the experience, too. My best intentions always got pushed aside by budget constraints...but this year I was determined! Luke will be 9 next month and we are getting close to missing the Story Land window! On Black Friday this year, I bought the tickets online. I was committed! 

2. StoryLand: Past and Present
I took lots of pics as usual that I haven't even sorted through, yet. But one of the favorite pics I took was to recreate a pic we took about 12 years ago. Not a perfect recreation...but I still love it!
Mike, Andrew, Jon, and Sarah circa 2004

Peter, Ellie, Luke and Kate 2018
 Ellie was a good sport for the day. One of her goals was to get a "re-do" picture on the Bamboo Chutes. We have one from when she was around 5 making the funniest face that Jon...loving brother that he is...tormented her with over the years! Now she has a picture she can be proud of...and it will be Kate and Luke that will want the "re-do" pic! (Despite their faces, Kate and Luke loved the ride and asked to go on twice!:)

3. Hikes and Waterfalls
Our favorite spot this trip was Diana's Baths. It was the first time we had been and it was just so serene and beautiful! 
Andrew and Liz we were telling him to be careful bc it was slippery!

5 seconds later!

looking sheepish

Thankfully, Luke has a good self image and can laugh at himself!

Ellie having a quiet moment

Kate exploring

Peter playing at the top of one of the small waterfalls

Miss Sarah

Posing for mom

4. "Not The Whole Family" Time

Not all the kids could come on the trip...Mike and Jon had to work after traipsing around Ireland. (Yeah, I didn't really feel bad for them, either!). Sarah, Andrew, and his girlfriend, Liz, joined us a couple days into the trip. So for Story Land we had a small family of 4 kids!

It did feel really strange. And I have to admit that it made me a little sad...and at times a lot how our family is changing. Joy mixed with grieving. I think my internal countdown of Jon heading to grad school in mid August is ticking a little loud for my emotions. I want this summer to go extra slow and pack as much in as possible and it feels like it's just speeding by! Jay gets one more week off this summer in August...and it happens to coincide that the last day of his vacation is the day Jon leaves. I'm just really not looking forward to the change. I'm trying really hard to just stay in the moment and enjoy the time we have...but it isn't easy and it doesn't always work!

5. First Sleepover
Luke had his first non grandparent sleepover with his cousin, Brayden, last night! He had SO much fun! He woke up super early because he was in a different bed, and crashed with a nap this afternoon. He hasn't napped in years! lol

6. Another Taste of Small Family Life
It just continues to be busy around here with people going in all different directions. Last night, Sarah, Ellie, Jon and Marisa all went to the Vineyard with my Mom. Since Luke had a sleepover, that left us with only Kate, Peter and Andrew at home! So.So.Strange! Andrew and Liz headed to the Vineyard this morning, so we will be a family of 5 for the next couple of days!

7. Have a Great Weekend!

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