
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Engagement Day

As promised, I have lots of details and pictures of Jon and Marisa's Engagement Day!

About two weeks ago, Jon proposed to Marisa. They have been dating for a little more than 3 1/2 years and Jon has been planning to propose since November.  In January, Jon purchased the ring and met with Marisa's Dad on the sly to ask his permission to marry his daughter. (I LOVE this tradition!) Then we waited...and waited..and waited.. for Jon to determine the right moment to propose. (I may have been just a "tad" impatient. But I kept reminding myself that this is Jon's story to tell and I had to just keep quiet and wait! so.not.easy!)

Jon had a lot of different ideas for proposing. He finally settled on making the big moment on Second Beach in Newport, which is a beach Marisa really loves to go to. Thankfully the weather was good because I don't think Jon had a Plan B...we joked that he would have to go the the New Bedford Whaling Museum to propose since that was where their first date happened way back in August, 2014!

Jon picked up Marisa and they drove to Newport for a late lunch of chowder and salad. Then, they went for what Marisa thought was just a nice walk on the beach on a beautiful sunny day. They were holding hands and Marisa was a little ahead of Jon when he tugged her back towards him. When she turned back, Jon was down on one knee with the ring in his hand. Marisa was COMPLETELY surprised. When Marisa looked at Jon, she called out, "Shut up! No...I mean YES!" So Jon told everyone that she said no at first but then changed her mind! (Once a tease, always a tease!)

Thankfully there was a nice couple on the beach that took a picture of the newly engaged couple.
Jon and Marisa

I offered to Jon to host a surprise engagement party the night he proposed. This way, he could surprise Marisa twice in one day and celebrate with parents, grandparents, siblings and friends that would make up the bridal party all together in one place. Most of the people attending the party thought that Jon was throwing a surprise birthday party for Marisa. Since Jon will be in Ireland for Marisa's birthday, it was a good cover! So the surprise party was really a surprise inside a surprise!

None of my kids knew...though Sarah and Andrew were planning and decorating were challenging! I had several decorations that were engagement theme hidden away that I pulled out once Marisa and Jon came in and announced their good news. As part of the decorations, I had a bunch of pictures of Jon and Marisa developed and framed around the house. I even managed to get a picture of the beach engagement. Jon and I had a special code. When he texted me, "What's for dinner?", that was my cue that "the deed had been done" and that he had emailed me pictures. I quickly went to the CVS website, uploaded the pics, and Jay picked them up for me 10 minutes before everyone arrived! I love creating the little, special details!!

Ellie really had no idea the engagement was happening that day. I happened to pick a bottle of Coke at the store that had Family written on it. Before the party started, Ellie said, "We can't use this soda...Marisa is only a friend." It was SO hard not to blow the secret in that moment!
So, of course, I had to take a picture of it!

The party was really wonderful and it was fun celebrating Jon and Marisa with everyone and sharing their joy! So much happiness and wonderful memories with the hope of lots more happy memories to come!!
Sarah was our crafty girl with making the vases

Peter came home the day of the party with a heart string art gift for me for Mother's Day.
Instant decor!

We had to include a pic of Marisa with our dog, Josie!
Marisa loves Josie almost as much as Jon!

Triumphant entrance!

Showing off the ring hand:)

Happy hugs from Marisa's mom

Marisa with her parents

A very happy Kate! Kate LOVES Marisa and is very happy she is going to be a Hamel!

Marisa with her friends, Violet and Emily

Marisa with her sister, Bridget

Marisa and Peter

Future sisters-in-law

Jon with his friends

Some of the decorations that joined the party once the secret was spilled

I found this sign online and it became the theme of the night!

Jon and Marisa being good sports and posing for goofy shots:)

Another add on...special cupcake toppers! A very cool Etsy find!
Marisa with my mom and Jay's mom

Marisa with her future brothers-in-law

The future Mr. & Mrs.
Coming May, 2020

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