
Friday, January 8, 2016

Holiday Happenings!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas/New Year's/school vacation week! I'm having a hard time getting back into our "normal" routine! I enjoyed the more laid back tone of the kids' vacation time very much!

I wanted to share some of our Holiday Happenings! It was an exciting end of Advent/Christmas/New Year/Vacation Week! 
1. Visit With Santa
Jay's mom invited Kate and Luke to a Christmas Party put on by a local historical society. They do a great job! There are crafts, games(with prizes), and story and song time with Santa and Mrs Claus! Kate and Luke loved it! :)

Kate with Grandma

Luke(aka "shifty eyes") with Grandma

I LOVE how excited Kate is!

#2 Christmas Concert
This was Luke's first year in the school's Christmas Concert! Jay and I are convinced that he is part muppet! He is always making the goofiest faces and noises! Lucky for us, (insert sarcasm here), Luke was up front and VERY visible the entire time the group was singing! There were multiple people around us laughing at that "cute little guy in the front"...who was making goofy faces, only singing the first line, and picking his nose occasionally! Oy! My sil said he was the "funniest kid at the concert"..... Too bad it wasn't a comedy show!

 Thankfully, Ellie was a joy to watch as part of the Chorus! She did a great job in her duet!

#3: Kate Turned Four!!!

Kate loves watching Playdo Princess videos on Youtube, so that was one of her gifts!

She also loves dinosaurs! I was super psyched when Jon found this dino set at Toy's R Us.
It has a baby triceratops that is pink! Kate's favorite!

 #4: Family Christmas Party(a few days early)
Most of my dad's family lives out of town, so we celebrate Christmas the weekend before the 25th. It's always great to spend time with everyone! 

#5: Happy Birthday, Kate (part deux)
We had a family party for Kate the day after her birthday. Jay's mom always makes a cake decorated in whatever the birthday girl/boy wants. Kate wanted a Rudolph Kate. 

#6-7: Warm Weather + Crazy Kids= Necessary Outside Play!
It was so warm on the day of Kate's party, that it was a great opportunity for Kate, Luke, and their cousins, Brayden and Mya, to get rid of a little energy and their sugar rush outside! Since Jay wants to be considered the favorite uncle...he had lots of fun playing with them! Since I love to take action shots....I took way too many pictures! I will try to refrain from posting too manyhere...but I know I will so I'm apologizing in advance!!!

Such a cutie pie!

action shot!

goofy uncle shot #1

goofy uncle shot #2

more action

I saw this shot unfolding and I couldn't get my camera fast enough! Jay's in mid air!
 (And Brayden's face is pure glee!)

Clearly having fun!

Love the sun in this shot!

2 on 1

Having lots of fun!

More crazy uncle time

action shot!
The girls practicing how to pump while they swing!

Kate wanted in on the fun with Daddy!

Daddy's Little Girl!

Happy Weekend!

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