
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I know that I'm a little late!  I hope that 2015 has been kind to everyone so far!  

I have been very neglectful of my Normal Chaos blog space!  I did warn everyone about my post Christmas hiatus.....but now I'm back!  

I mentioned some special family time....and that was what we had!  Ten whole days in sunny, warm Florida!  It was wonderful having that glorious sunshine and daylight that lasted past 4 o'clock!  There were lots of special memories made!  I may have caught just a few of those memories on my camera!;)

Stay tuned over the next week for lots of pictures and tales about our time away!

We got back on Tuesday night to a house still overrun by Christmas decorations and gifts that have yet to find a home!  I spent yesterday trying to conquer Mount Laundry!  Today, I took down the Christmas tree and that has helped with the clutter!  I'm hoping that after tomorrow and Saturday, I will have the house in some kind of order!  

Going on vacation was so surreal!  The trip has been planned for about a year....but it always seemed so far away!  Since it followed so close to Christmas, all my focus was on celebrating that very special holiday and all of the packing was saved until the two days after Christmas before we left!  

I don't know about you, but when we go away for more than a couple of days, I lose track of time and feel like I'm in a whole different world!  It was VERY strange seeing all the decorations and listening to Christmas music while we were wearing shorts or swimming in a pool!  (But oh so nice!)

I will leave you with a picture of Luke with my parents on our trip. My parents are very generous Disney lovers...(my Mom is a fanatic!)...who love to share that Disney love with their children and grandchildren!  We spent those beautiful 10 days as their guests and we are all very, very grateful for all of the memories!

Stay tuned for lots more pics (and Christmas catch-up) soon!

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