
Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Card Mishap

Way back in October when my sil got married, the one thing I wanted more than anything was to get a family picture that I could put on this year's Christmas card!  Thirty + attempts after the wedding ceremony yielded 2 contenders...and I was so happy!

Fast forward to mid-November.  My friend, Laura, told me about a great Group-on deal for Christmas cards from Staples.  So I got it.  Four days later I had my Christmas cards in hand.

Fast forward again to yesterday.  I mailed out about 40 of our 50 cards and handed a few more out to my book club friends.  In fact, I ran short and had to order 20 more from CVS.

Well, my sil, Jackie, noticed something I didn't....Jon had gotten cut out of the Christmas card!!!(He should be right next to Luke.....)

I have no idea how it happened!  I was sure I double checked about the picture when I originally ordered it because I was afraid it wouldn't fit because we have a lot of peeps in the pic!  I went back looking for my original order, but I had tossed all the paperwork and couldn't find my order number to check whether it was my mistake or Staples!  Either way, it didn't really matter since I had already mailed/given out almost all of them!

Jon (thankfully) thought that the whole thing was hysterical!  Anyone that knows Jon understands that teasing and joking are stamped into his personality.  The need to tease falls just under his need to eat, drink, and breathe!

As soon as he got Jackie's text that he was MIA...."What happened, Jon, didn't make the cut for the family Christmas card?lol"....he couldn't stop laughing and planning his next move!(Guilt us into an extra gift....get a special photo shoot for next year's card...etc.)

His siblings thought it was hysterical!

Jon decided that he would create his own card to give out to some of our family and close friends.  It was made, of course, in a way that was meant to tease!(shocking, huh!)  He laughed the entire time he was creating much so we had a hard time getting a pic to use!

So here it is.........Jon with his "friend" and wearing his 'ugly Christmas sweater'!

Here's what he had printed at the bottom:
"Since I was left out of the family Christmas card, I decided to give you all what you really wanted this Christmas season:  a picture of me.
As you can see from the photo, I still haven't gotten over being left out of the family Christmas card.
Merry Christmas everyone."

This is a story that, I'm sure, will live forever!  One day, Jon will be telling his grandchildren or great-nieces and nephews about the time his mom accidentally cropped him out of the Christmas card!  

Ironically, the cards from CVS had everyone in the shot!  

When Jon saw the new ones.....he was actually a little disappointed!  He always loves extra attention!

So, if you're feeling a little blue and discouraged about your own recent parenting mishap....I hope this makes you feel better!  At least you didn't leave your kid off the Christmas card!;)

Happy Weekend!

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