
Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekend Round Up!

Happy Monday and Happy November!

I can't even believe that it's November already!  This Fall has gone by so fast!

I'm going to start our weekend round-up with a little pre-weekend catch-up!  Luke's class went to the fire station on Thursday.  They were all super cute.  Here are a few pics:)
Looking like such a big boy!

Love the way he loves his sister!

with my nephew, Brayden. (love Luke's happy smile!)

Being one of the big kids!

Loving his turn:)

I have more pics of Luke not looking at the camera....!

On Friday, Luke's school celebrated "Holyween", since All Saints Day fell on Saturday this year.  Almost the whole school dressed up as saints!  They looked super cute walking to Mass together!
photo op

Kate was St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Luke wanted to be St. Luke again this year!

The kids made St. puppets in class.  Luke made St. Anthony.
His teacher, dressed as St. Isadore, asked Luke to share something he knew about his saint.
Luke:  "I pray to St. Anthony when I lose things and he helps me find my toys."
Love it!

An up close shot of Luke's puppet
We had a brief afternoon photo session with their cousins.... case you were wondering who was who!
I thought for sure that Kate would choose to be a princess,
but when she saw Luke's Optimus costume, all she wanted to be was Bumblebee!
 Friday night was trick-or-treating...and my Grandfather's 92nd birthday!
Jon and Peter.  I failed to get a shot of Sarah and Ellie....a pirate and mad scientist respectively.

 We forgot to get candles!  Pepere was a good sport and played along....

Luke with Pepere...Luke's middle name is Arthur, named after Pepere,
 so they have a special bond!
Saturday was filled with first Saturday Mass, some fellowship and donuts after Mass, then cleaning and organizing projects the rest of the day!  Sunday was made up of church, food and football and family time!(Great job, Patriots!)  The fact that it snowed in the morning for a while(;/) made staying warm and toasty inside even better!  

I hope you had a great weekend and that Monday is treating you nice!

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