
Monday, November 24, 2014

Make-Up Monday! this entire month seems to be getting away from me!  It's my second week of missing 'quick take Friday'!

Since I can't seem to get my act together, I guess I'll just make up my own rules and do a 'Quick Take Monday'!  I'm not sure if there will be 7 items or not since I'm winging it, but I'm making it all up as I go along!

#1:  Too Much List, Not Enough Friday 
On Friday, I took my mom to get an injection in her knee.  I forget what it's called, but she's trying to hold off having to get her 2nd knee replaced for a little longer.  After the doctor's visit, we did a little Christmas shopping.  (which is always fun!)  Then, I had to pick up Kate from my sil's, get home to meet Peter's bus...and Ellie's and Sarah's bus..., then I took Ellie and Kate grocery shopping, picked up pizza for supper, and arrived home at 5:30!  

So that's why I didn't have time to blog on Friday!

#2:  Saturday:  The List Continued
Saturday was a full day, too.  We did some cleaning in the morning.  Then I took Ellie to her CYO game in the early afternoon.(They was a tough game!  But all the girls played hard!).  Then, Ellie and I picked up a few things from the grocery store, exchanged a winter coat at Dick's, and hit Toys R' Us to do some Christmas shopping for Kate and Luke.  I also stopped by our local homemade ice cream store to pick up the 1.5 gallon ice cream containers that I had ordered a couple of weeks ago to surprise the fam.  Originally I ordered 3...Coconut(Jay's favorite), Pumpkin Patch(Sarah's favorite), and Coffee Oreo(Mike and Jon's favorite).  After a week, I felt guilty that I didn't get chocolate for I called and ordered that, too!  

Good thing we got that big new fridge!;)

#3:  A True Day of Rest
Sunday was a  For the first time in a while we didn't have things to do and we got to just hang out as a family, rest, nap a little(ok, that was me!), watch football, and play with the little kids.  It was one of those days that you just don't want to end!

#4:  Knit one, pearl two
Actually, I don't knit....but I have tried my hand at crocheting a time or two.  We enjoy watching Shark Tank in our house, and last season they had a company called Grace and Lace.  The woman knit boot cuffs....which I thought looked really cool!  What wasn't cool was the price...most were upwards of $30!  Yikes!  In the back of my head, I wanted to try and make them.  

Well, fast forward to last week and Sarah mentioned the boot cuffs.  Again, not wanting to shell out $30+ for such a small Christmas gift, I decided to try and make them myself.  After a Google search, a couple of youtube videos, a trip to Michael's.....and this is what I accomplished this weekend.

Two and a half pairs of boot cuffs.  The first pair I did was the larger one.  I like the way it came out, but once I was halfway through I realized that they would be too big for Sarah.  So I tried another pattern (with the scalloped edge) that were for someone with a smaller leg.  I liked the way they came out so I started on a gray pair.  Jon asked what I was making and Jay blurted out that it was a present for Sarah, (while Sarah was in the much for a surprise!), but she really seemed to like them.  

I really enjoy crocheting.  It makes me think of my grandmother, who passed away last December.  She would always knit and crochet for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Maybe I inherited at least a tiny bit of her talent!  

Every chilly night I put one of the blankets my grandmother made on Kate when I put her to bed and say a prayer for all of our grandparents that are no longer with us.  I figure I might have a few grandchildren of my own one day(!), so maybe crocheting baby blankets will be in my future!  

#5:  A Short Week
With Thanksgiving on Thursday, (how the heck did that happen!!!), this is a short school week for everyone!  I.cannot.wait to have all my kids in one place come Tuesday night!  Andrew should pull in around 3, Jon will be home at 5:30, and Mike should get here about 7.  Even though it's only been a couple of weeks since I've seen them, I found myself missing them a lot the past few days!  (Of course, by the end of the weekend when everyone's fighting and sick of each other I might be ready to miss them again for a couple of weeks!)

#6:  A Quick Look Ahead!
There's a lot of special family time to look forward later on this week.  We have Thanksgiving with my Dad's extended family, second dessert with Jay's parents, Black Friday shopping for me with my mom and sister, perogi-fest for Jay, the kids, my mil, and sil and her kids on Friday afternoon, getting our Christmas tree, decorating our Christmas tree, and helping my mom decorate her tree!  That's a lot of memories to cram into one long weekend!  #allgoodthings.

#7:  Gotta Pace The Cheesecakes
Since I'm not responsible for the meal on Thanksgiving, I get to concentrate on what I like best:  desserts!  I'm planning on making an apple pie, a gfcf apple crisp, a chocolate chip cheesecake, and, per Jon's request, I'm attempting a Snicker's cheesecake.  Sarah will be making her famous lemon meringue pie!  

I have to keep reminding myself that there is a lot of dessert eating come late November and through to go slow and pace myself!  

Happy Monday!

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